o25. real life

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MADISON FELT LIKE SHE WAS ABOUT TO FLY TO THE MOON. Why you may ask? Well, it was because THE Chris Evans ask her to be his date for the premiere of his movie.

She did admit, after spending countless time together for the past two months with Chris. She did find him attractive, and she felt comfort with him. She also felt that with Zak. But, as you know. That didn't end up so great.

But, she couldn't think of the negatives but only the positives. She looked in the mirror at her outfit as her three bandmates helped her get ready. Well, more like stood and watched her get ready while they gave her words of encouragement.

"Madison, c'mon!" Jack smiled at Madison while she looked in the mirror. "You don't look bad!"

She groaned and looked at her friends, who were sitting on her bed. "Thoughts? I need real thoughts here! We have about an hour left before he picks me up and if I looked undressed then the magazines are gonna tear me to shreds!"

Nate rolled his eyes. "Here's a concept. You're overthinking?"

"Yeah, I totally agree." Andrew chimes in. "It's just a dress, you look fine Madison."

"Are you sure?" Madison asked, looking at her dress again. Madison hated dressing up. She hated wearing dresses and especially hated heels. "It's kinda sheer around the boob area."

"Madison, you don't even have boobs. You'll be fine. Relax." Nate snickered, and Jack hit his arm. Along with Madison. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

"Fine, then I won't tell Robert Downey Jr who you are then." She mumbled, turning back around towards the mirror.

The three boys all got up from their seat and crowded around her. "Madison, I will send you my soul if you tell RDJ who we are." Jack begged.

"Yeah, I'll sell my left nut for him." Andrew said suddenly, and the three of them all looked at him weirdly.

"Excuse me?" Madison raised her eyebrow. Andrew had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Sorry, I go a little gay for him."

There was a knock at the door and Madison started to panic. "Don't worry, I'll get it!" Nate ran out of the room, followed by Jack.

The smaller girl grabbed onto Andrew shoulders. "Andrew, how do I look. Seriously?! How do I look?!"

"Like a damsel in distress, relax." Andrew mumbled softly, looking at his best friend. "Who knew a couple years ago, you were working at Hard Rock Cafe and now you're going to a movie premiere with Chris Evans."

"Yeah, I'm gonna pop you in the mouth though because you're making me more nervous than I already am."

Downstairs, Nate and Andrew opened the door to see Chris holding a rose in his hand while he was in his suit and sunglasses. "Well, hi Nate. Hi Mack."

"It's Jack." Jack mumbled softly, as Nate tried to hide his laughter. Chris gasped softly, covering his mouth.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I meant to say Jack but my head is all over the place." Chris apologized, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Jack mumbled, obviously being sarcastic. There was some awkward silence before Nate broke it.

"So, are you excited?" Nate asked Chris, "You know, taking Madison?"

Chris nodded, twirling the rose he had in his hand. "Yeah, I'm excited." He told them.

"Good, because if you mess it up. I'll make sure all three of us beat you up." Nate threatened, causing Chris to get even more nervous. "Are we clear?"

"Crystal." Chris said. Madison made her way down the stairs, along with Andrew behind her to make sure she didn't fall on her face. Chris's mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god, it is too much chest area. I knew it." Madison mumbled as she made her way over to Chris. "Gosh, I feel like I'm at prom all over again."

Chris laughed and handed her the rose. "You look beautiful, the best prom date I've ever had."

Madison blushed before looking at her three best friends who were house sitting for the night. "Alright. Don't make a mess. Don't do anything stupid. I'll be back tonight."

Madison and Chris hooked arms, and started walking out the door. "Bring her home by 10!" Andrew shouted. "Bye kids, have fun!"

Madison shut her door and looked at Chris, who looked overwhelmed. "I accidentally called Jack, Mack and I think Nate wants to kill me." Chris immediately said.

Madison chuckled quietly as they made their way over to the car. "They're just joking. But if they're serious, then they can catch these hands first."


this chapter was awful im so sorry. but seriously i had so much fun writing nate, jack and andrew with madison. literally the term friendship is SHAKING in their boots right now

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