o38. real life

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IT WAS A STORMY NIGHT IN LOS ANGELES, and it never did. Madison always appreciated nights like this. It reminded her of home, the cozy nights she always had when she was younger. She sat upstairs in her room, painting her nails a flaming hot red color, which was never like her. But change is great, right?

Instead of staying home, Chris was out with Madison's bandmates. After Jack told Chris and the rest of them the plan he had, he agreed to it. It was a cliche romantic moment, but Chris was opened to anything.

"Nate, do we have the Bluetooth waterproof rocks?" Andrew asked as he continued to have his eyes on the road. Nate checked off his little notepad, "Check."

"The bouquet of flowers?" Jack added in.

"Currently in Evans hands, but check."

"And how does Chris look?" Andrew asked, looking in the mirror.

"Mega check." Nate said, checking off the two other things. "Guys, do you think we should've gotten her chocolates?"

"False, she's not a fan of chocolate." Chris looked over at Nate, pulling out a bag of peach rings from his jacket pocket. "You guys didn't know that?"

Nate was speechless, trying to speak. But only got interrupted by Jack. "He's only known her for a couple months, and you've known her for eight years and the fact you didn't know that."

"Maybe, you should check that off." Chris smirked over at Nate. Nate scoffed quietly, as he put his notepad away. The three of them all chuckled.

Madison was all done painting her nails, while she listened to the Mamma Mia soundtrack. She couldn't help but think about Chris when she played it, and she missed him.

But she knew deep down that he was with Jenny, and she couldn't be mad about that. She was just boring old Madison.

Andrew pulled up in front of Madison's house, and it immediately started raining like cats and dogs. "Are you kidding me?" Chris whined, as he saw how hard it was raining.

"Chris, are you sure you want to do this?" Jack asked as he finished hooking up this Bluetooth rock.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want to do it! Besides, it was your idea!" Chris argued. Jack sighed as he handed him the rock, which he didn't understand why Jack had to get a Bluetooth rock. But he told him it added to the effect.

"Good luck," Andrew said as he unlocked the door. "Remember if this doesn't work, we'll try again!"

Chris sighed as all three of them gave him a thumbs up. He got out and ran to Madison bedroom window, which was the only light on.

His roses were getting drenched and so was everything else. He pulled out his phone, trying to cover from the rain as he played the song that they shared their first kiss.

But unfortunately, it didn't work. He groaned as he placed it down and shoved his phone is pocket,
hoping it would get wet as well.

He picked up some pebbles that were planted around her house, and starting throwing them at her window.

Madison turned down the music she was playing as she heard the pebbles being thrown at her window. She thought it was her imagination until it happened over and over again.

"What the hell," She mumbled as she went over to look out her window. Her eyes widened as she saw Chris, holding roses which were all drenched along with his hair and suit. She opened up the window, looking at him.

"About time!" He yelled from all the rain, "Can you at least let me in?"

She sighed. "Yeah, just go to the front door." She shut the door and immediately ran to her closet, getting a couple towels and a leftover robe that she got from somewhere.

She ran downstairs and placed one of the towels on the floor, before opening up the door. His hair was no longer perfectly gel, but instead it was all over the place. He stepped on the towel, and shut the door behind him.

As for the three bandmates, once they saw Chris walk inside, they assumed that the work was done and drove off.

"How long were you outside?" Madison whispered as she handed him another one of the towels. He shivered softly, as he wrapped his body around the towel.

"I don't know, it felt like ages." He mumbled as held out the bouquet of roses for her. "They were more prettier when they weren't drenched on."

She smiled weakly, as she grabbed them and placed them on the coffee table in her living room. She handed him the robe, "Here, go change." She mumbled.

He nodded as he ran upstairs to her bathroom to change. She picked up the towels on the ground and put them on the coffee table as well. She walked upstairs to her bedroom, and sat down at the edge of the bed.

It only took him a couple of minutes to come into her room, wearing his robe and boxers. She looked at him, with a sad smile as he sat down beside her.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered, looking over at him.

"I'm trying to prove something." He replied, looking at her. "I'm not dating Jenny, nor did I know she had any kind of romantic feelings for me."

She stayed silent, as she looked at her hands. "I came all this way to say, I screwed up. I know I did. But I like you way too much to let our story be done. It's been eating me alive," He continued. "If it wasn't for your bandmates, I would've probably been too chicken to go and stand out in the pouring rain for you."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, they helped me try to do this. But the speakers weren't working, and the flowers are now drenched. But at least these peach rings are okay," He mumbled, pulling the peach rings out of his pockets. "Here,"

She smiled as she grabbed them and got up to place it on her vanity. "You don't have to believe me, but I want to be with you. No matter what, little Cap." He stood up, running his hands through his hair. "Chris," Madison said, before Chris cut her off.

"I'm not like Zak, I don't ever intend to be. I just want to make you happy. I don't like Jenny, and I don't like nobody else but you."

There was a moment of silence before Madison really did the unthinkable. She walked up to Chris, and pressed her lips against his. He immediately kissed back, obviously craving her.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around her waist. Their lips moved in sync. Madison felt she could trust him after everything.

After a while, Chris pulled away and slowly started kissing her neck. She let out a quiet moan which left Chris, laughing quietly on her skin.

The two fell back on the bed as Chris continued what he was doing. He left a small mark on her neck, which made him smirk.

Now Madison couldn't remember the last time someone had gave her pleasure. Even when she was with Zak, it was a rare thing.

He tugged on her shirt and she immediately took it off, tossing it onto the floor. The two connected their lips together again, kissing each other with as much passion as they had.

"Stay with me," Madison mumbled against his lips, as she continued to kiss him.

"Always," He mumbled back. And one thing lead to another. It was a night Madison wouldn't forget, and the time Chris got the girl.


ewww i hate writing smut so im sorry if this is AWFUL. this chapter was a lot more cuter in my head but i hope you guys enjoyed it!! lemme know in the comments!!

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