o28. real life

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NORMALLY, MADISON NEVER WAS OUT LATE. BUT SHE MADE AN exception for Chris. The premiere she went to was probably the most fun Madison had ever had. Ever since her nasty and ugly divorce. She had no thought of Zak. But, just kept falling for Chris more and more. But the problem was, she ready to even get in a relationship?

Chris sat in the drivers seat as Madison kicked off her heels. Midway through the after party, the two of them just wanted to get the hell out of there. She didn't mind hanging out with his cast, who were all sweethearts. But, she wasn't the party type and Chris just wanted to spend time more with Madison.

"So how'd you like the movie?" Chris asked her, his eyes were still on the road. Madison looked over at him with a miniature smile on her face.

"Chris, you were phenomenal. Everyone was phenomenal," She gave him her review. "I'm just mad about the end. Team Cap deserves better."

He started laughing softly, glancing at her for a few seconds before giving his attention to the road. "I know, I'm pissed about that too."

His laugh made Madison's heart skip a beat. What was going on with her? If you asked her last week if she would ever get these type of feelings for him, she would think you were off your rocker. But, she in fact, probably off her rocker for him.

He pulled up to her secluded house and parked in the driveway, seeing all the lights shut off. "Weren't the boys supposed to be watching the house?" Chris asked her.

She shook her head. "Well, they were. But, I let them go a little bit early since I wasn't going to be home till late."

He nodded and immediately got out of his car, rushing over to open her door like the gentleman he was. "No shoes, huh?" He smiles cheekily at her.

She rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his arm, while she held onto her beautiful but painful heels. "I have you know, heels aren't my best friend." Madison told him, getting out of the car.

She pulled her keys out of her clutch as Chris walked along side her. "Would you like to stay for a few?" Madison asked softly.

Chris felt the same way as Madison felt. The feelings were catching up to him fast, but the difference was. He wanted a relationship with her, just as much she did. He felt his heart explode.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother you," He stuttered, as Madison unlocked her front door. She opened it up, and looked over at him.

"You? Bother me? What are you on tonight? Come in."

Chris smiled like an idiot as he followed Madison inside, shutting the door behind them. "You looked beautiful tonight, by the way." Chris blurted out.

Madison turned around at the older man and smiled, blushing slightly. "Thank you Chris, you looked probably even better than me."

He scoffed and looked over at her, while she placed her heels on the table. "You think I'm beautiful?" Chris gasped, causing Madison to chuckle.

"Well, of course. I think you're way more beautiful than I am." She laughed as she leaned against the table, crossing her arms.

"Hey Madison, random question."

"Random answer." She responded, with a cocky smile on her face. Chris grinned back at her, as he opened up his phone. "Have you ever danced with a superhero before?" He whispered softly.

She smiled lightly, looking at him lovingly. "No, I haven't. Just a dream though."

He started playing a slow song off his phone and Madison immediately recognized the tune. "Is this the one piano song from UP?"

"Might be," He chuckled softly as he held his hand out, "But Captain America would like to know if you like this dance?"

"Would Peggy Carter mind?" Madison asked, as she grabbed onto his hand. He pulled her in closer, one hand on her hips and the other holding hers.

He laughed softly. "As Steve Rogers, I would say yes. But as Chris Evans, I'm gonna say no." She laughed along with him, as she looked up at him.

"Well, she is your best girl." She whispered, giving him a light smile.

"Okay, but you're my best girl." He replied as he let go of her waist for a minute, so she could spin. She did a spin, and he immediately rested his hand where it was supposed to be.

"Oh really?" She whispered, looking up at him. "You promise?"

"I pinky, pinky promise." He whispered, referring to the first time they met. In that moment, all Chris wanted to do was kiss her. She glanced at his lips and he glanced at hers. Chris slowly leaned down, brushing their lips together. Then finally, their lips touched.

When Madison's lips touched Chris's. All her worries with Zak felt like they went away. For the first time since the divorce, she felt like she had someone to relay on. It was magical, but there was one problem. She was scared.

A few moments later, Madison pulled away. "Chris, I can't." She whispered, looking at her feet. Chris paused the song, feeling utterly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," He whispered as he put his phone in pocket.

"No, Chris. It's fine." She whispered, "I enjoyed it, I promise."

"Yeah, I get." He whispered, sounding hurt which broke Madison's heart. "I should be heading out, I'll talk to you later." He turned his heel and made his way out the door.

"Chris, wait." She whispered, trying to go after him. But she was also scared to do that. She didn't want to push him away like Zak suspected she would. She didn't want to be clingy, and annoying. But she didn't want Chris to not think she wasn't interested.

She heard his car start up, and drive away. "God dammit," She whispered to herself as punched thin air, tears started to roll out of her eyes.

She didn't want to blame herself for this. All she wanted to thank was Zak, because without him. She was in this predicament. He was the one that made her scared, and possibly push Chris away. And she hated him for that. So much.



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