o44. real life

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TWO WEEKS WENT BY, BUT MADISON COULDN'T help but think that those were the longest two weeks of her life

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TWO WEEKS WENT BY, BUT MADISON COULDN'T help but think that those were the longest two weeks of her life. She missed Chris, obviously but it was to the point where something was missing.

She had spent at least an hour of her day seeing him. It was like the two were practically dating. But since Madison was a little bit iffy about relationships, Chris decided to go slow. Even though that didn't stop him from bragging to his cast mates how great "his best girl was."

But somehow Madison had felt lonely. Zak had started to text her again, sometimes nice things and other things were nasty and mean things about Chris. She blocked him, of course but the words pondered over her head. She had never felt so sad. She didn't even tell Chris about it.

Not even her band mates could help her, and that was a first. The only person she wished was there with her was Chris.

Unfortunately, when Chris was supposed to come home it turned out that they added another couple days to his press tour, which really bummed Madison out.

Now she sat at her house, along with Dodger who she was babysitting while Chris was gone. It didn't help that Dodger barked at everything, and literally everything.

Dodger did help with her missing Chris though, she wasn't going to lie.

Jack was out of town doing stuff with his side band, Nate out with his girlfriend and Andrew back in his hometown, it didn't really help much for her sadness.

She'd spent the last four hours cleaning her house, blaring Abba and dancing like a fool, but unfortunately once that was over; her mind was back to missing Chris.

She didn't want to text him multiple times but she couldn't help it. Whenever she texted him, her heart fluttered, and whenever he told her that he missed her too. It also, in the first time in forever that she felt important.

She was just so sad, and Chris wasn't coming back for a while. She decided to call up Chris, just because she just needed someone to talk to.

A few rings went through, before she could hear Chris smile through the phone. "Hi little cap," He said. "You really missed me that much?"

She sighed sadly, as she looked down at her lap. "Yeah, sorry if you're busy. I just feel, I don't know. Not myself."

"Wait hey, what's wrong?" He said calmly. The one thing she adored about him is how much he knew her as a person.

"I just miss you, that's all." She whispered, a tight smile appearing on her lips.

"I know that's a reason, but it's not the main reason."

"No, it's the reason." Her voice started to crack. "I just wish you were here because I'm not doing well,"

Warm tears fell down her cheeks, which led Dodger hoping on the couch and licking her tears away. "Madison," She heard Chris say, which broke her heart.

"And then Zak kept messaging me and everything about how much he hates you, how much he's better than you, how much I'm an awful human being and that you shouldn't even talk to me or even be with me. And that I'm a complete fuck up." She cried. "But then he would say he loves me, which I don't love him anymore and it just makes me disgusted. I'm just so disgusted."

Chris sat there and listened, his heart was breaking. It sucked that he wasn't with her right then, because if he had the chance to, he would make sure that everything was okay. "Hey, shhh." He cooed. "You best believe I'm going to have a word with him."

"Don't. It's okay," She mumbled. "It's fine."

"Well it's obviously not fine when you're crying about it." He whispered. "Just hang in there, I'll be home in like three days. Okay?"

"Okay, just me and Dodger both miss you." She mumbled. Chris laughed and smiled wide through the phone. "I miss you both as well,"

In the background, he saw Mackie and Sebastian making kissy faces and teasing him which made him flip them off.

"You probably are busy with stuff right now, but I just wanted to call and say hi." She said in a soft voice.

"Alright, call me if you need anything. I'll stop what I'm doing just to make sure you're okay, alright?" He smiled. "You're in my heart little cap."

"You're in mine too." She whispered. "Bye."

"Bye little cap."

The call ended, and she laid back on her couch as she looked up at the ceiling. In that moment, she realized that she was falling in love with him.



number one. sorry for the long awaited update. i've been busy, also have the worst writers block so shhh. leave me alone.

number two. my mental health has been garb. but hopefully (im really hoping) i'll be able to update more often

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