o17. real life

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MADISON STOOD UP FROM HER COUCH as she heard a knock from the door

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MADISON STOOD UP FROM HER COUCH as she heard a knock from the door. "Did you really think I wasn't going to come?!" She heard Chris yell through the door. "Can you let me in? This food is getting cold."

She giggled quietly as she opened the door, with puffy eyes and her stupid big bird onesie. There stood Chris, looking much better than she was.

Somehow, basketball shorts and a skin tight black t-shirt can make a girl's heart skip a beat.

"I got a Chicken Questarito, with no chipotle sauce because you hate it. Chips and cheese, jeeze... you're really basic. And a Baja Freeze, which holy shit. These are good." He rambled, then his attention went on the girl. "Also, I'm full of hugs and you look sad, quit being sad."

She let out a sigh and stepped out of his way so he could get in. "Thank you, by the way." She said softly as she grabbed the bag and her drink. "I really do appreciate it."

"Hey, don't you worry about." Chris spoke, resting against the island in the kitchen. A soft smile rose on his bearded face, and his muscular arms crossed his chest. "Anything for my best girl."

She placed her stuff down and looked at him, and in just a matter of minutes. Or even, with the snap of her fingers she could feel warm tears fall down her cheeks again.

"No, no. Hey," Chris cooed, walking over to the younger girl and embracing her in a hug. "Did I say something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No, I just don't understand... Why this could happen to me."

"Hey, listen to me." Chris pulled away, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking at her. "Forget about Zak. He's nothing but an ass, okay? I mean, you're amazing Madison. Sure, six years can never compare to two months. But, you're so nice and caring. You always make sure I'm okay, and you the kindest heart and soul that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

Tears kept coming down like a waterfall as Chris said those words. "Please, stop. I'm such an ugly crier and this is so embarrassing." She whispered, trying to hid her face. But, Evans only laughed.

"Okay, then if you think you're an ugly crier than I guess Steve Rogers doesn't want you to be his sidekick anymore."

She gasped softly. "You take that back!"

"Not until you say you're not an ugly crier."

"Okay fine," She grumbled, with a pout on her face.

He chuckled softly as he hugged her again, and she started to cry. A broken heart was what she had, but what she needed was standing right in front of her.

His head rested on the small girl's head and he rocked her back in forth, trying to make the pain go away. "You'll be okay, I promise."

"Pinky pinky promise?" She looked up, holding up her pinky. He laughed as they hooked pinky's, like the first night they met.

"Pinky pinky promise."

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