o31. real life

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"ALRIGHT MADISON, YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO HIS DOORSTEP and you are going to tell him how you feel

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"ALRIGHT MADISON, YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO HIS DOORSTEP and you are going to tell him how you feel." Andrew ordered, as he pulled up right outside Chris's house. After a lot of pure pressure, she decided to spill the beans on where he lived. But she was now regretting it.

She didn't want to look desperate. But she also didn't want him to get the wrong impression of how she felt. She knew how she felt, but was scared to let herself open up towards him. "Guys, I really shouldn't." She said nervously.

"C'mon pussy!" Nate yelled.

"I am not a pussy!" She argued with him. "It's literally eleven at night, and here I am in a LA Lakers t-shirt, along with my band members watching me in the car!"

"What a better way!" Nate smiled cheekily, which made the other boys laugh. She rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, I still have my popcorn left over. So we can all watch outside the window," Jack teased. Madison felt her stomach do backflips.

"Guys, I'm not doing it."

"Uh, yes you are." Andrew stated. "I did not waste gas and a half an hour of my time to drive in front of Captain America's house. So, get your ass out there or the three of us will drag you out there ourselves."

There was a long pause before she realized that she wasn't a pussy, and this was her only about. She sighed loudly before getting out of the car. The boys started cheering.

"Shut up!" She whispered yelled as she shut the door, not to loud so Chris could hear. She slowly made her way to the front door, before she peeked her head in the front window.

And she wished she hadn't.

There stood Chris, and another girl. Laughing together. A beer in his hand while her hand rested on his knee and a wine glass was placed in her other hand.

She felt her whole world had stopped. Like the bad luck just kept coming and coming. She felt almost betrayed by him. How could he kiss her the night before and now, having a random girl flirtatiously touch his leg.

Chris felt the gaze and look at the window. Madison quickly turned around and started walking away, only causing Chris to get up and go after her.

"Madison, Madison, wait I can explain." Chris yelled after her. Madison turned around and weakly smile. "No, I just forgot my jacket the last time I was here. But then I realized that you can keep it." She lied.

"Madison, I'm sorry I- "

"No, it's fine. It's really fine." She felt tears fall down her cheeks before she wiped them away. The other girl Chris was with stood by the doorstep. "I see you're quite busy so I'll leave you be."

"Madison, please wait." Chris begged, trying to reach out for her but it was too late. She had quickly turned her heels and marched her way back to Andrew's car.

"What happened?" Jack mumbled with popcorn in his mouth. She started to cry as she looked at Chris, who looked completely heartbroken.

"Just drive. I'll tell you on the way." She sniffled. "Do I have to beat his ass?" Nate asked and Madison shook his head.

"No, don't. I just want to go home." Chris started walking towards the car, before Nate threw the rest of the popcorn at him.

"You're dead Evans!" Nate yelled as Andrew pulled away. Jack rubbed Madison's shoulders and comforted her as she told the story, about how she saw Chris with another woman.

And Chris just stood there, with popcorn surrounding him. The girl came over by him. "Chris, are you okay?" Jenny asked.

"No, I uh." He whispered, looking over at him. "I think you should go."

"Chris, I didn't think she was going to come here and."

"Jenny, please just go. I'm not asking for a lot." Chris whispered as he looked down at his feet, basically covered with popcorn.

All this was supposed to be was two costars hanging out with each other. He had no intentions of being with Jenny, romantically. But now he had a fear that he was nowhere getting the chance to be with Madison romantically.

Jenny went back inside, getting her keys. While Chris just stood and looked at the road. Wishing that he wouldn't of fucked up. Because he did, big time.

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