Chapter 1~ Who is she?

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•Ally POV•

It's my first day of sophomore year and I am sitting on my bed trying to decide what to wear. I open the door to my closet and see black. Everything is black. I pull out a low cut tank top and put it on. I go through my pants looking for some that don't have taco grease stains on them, I finally found some and put them on. I grab my backpack and run downstairs to grab some toast.

"Hey mom, I'm going to go to school a little early today. Is that okay?" I ask my mother.

"Of course it is, just be careful I don't want my beautiful daughter getting hurt," my mother said back in a baby voice.

*sigh* my mom is always treating me like I am 7, it's so annoying. Little does she know almost every night I bring a girl home to have a one night stand. Although, I would hate to imagine her walk in on me. Ugh, gross. Luckily it hasn't happened. After, I finish my toast I walk outside to my car, it isn't the best but it drives so I'm happy.

I arrive at school and I already have girls coming up to me and asking me what I am doing the next few nights. I tell a few of them i have nothing planned, and then I walk to my locker to put my stuff in. I am a straight A student but I hate to be in school. It's always crowded and since I am pretty short compared to everyone it can be hard to get around. Fortunately I have my best friend Danny to help me out. We have been friends for as long as I can remember. Speaking of Danny here he comes.

"Hey Danny, how was your summer? We didn't get to hang out very much," I said as he walked closer to my locker.

"It was pretty good, I hosted a few parties and totally didn't get super drunk at all," he replied.

I could here the sarcasm in his voice, "Mmhmm sure Danny."

The bell rang so I ran to my first period. I had Chemistry. The only subject I love to do, everything else doesn't interest me. I walk into the classroom and the first thing I see in this beautiful girl with deep brown majestic eyes and long healthy hair with bright colored tips. All I could think was. Who is she?

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