Chapter 3~ What is going on?

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•Ally POV•

I am pretty sure I was staring at her for at least 45 seconds. Mr. Kingsman finally told the class to settle down and that was when I finally looked away but before I did I realized she waa looking at me too. It could have been because I am only a sophomore and I am in a seniors class, but the look in her brown eyes made it seem like she was looking at me in a different way. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

First period went by really slow and I didn't hear anything that was going on, because I was to busy thinking about how I was going to introduce myself to her. The only thing I did hear was when Mr. Kingsman made an announcement about this partner project that we were doing tomorrow and Wednesday.

"We are going to have a project going over things you have already learned in your past years of school. I have already picked your partners for you. Sally and Jim, Thomas and Sarah, Rose and Rosie, Ali and Richard, Stevie and Allison, Samuel and Daniel, and the final group Carla and Israel."

We all got out of our seats to find out partners, but I didn't recognize the name Stevie. She must be new, everyone found there partners except me and the girl from beginning of class. I thought in my mind. No way, what if she is Stevie and we are partners this is my perfect chance to introduce myself. Wait, why am I getting so excited about this? I don't understand what I am feeling I just hook up with some girls that's it. But her she is different I dont know why though.

"Hey, I guess you are Allison. I am not very good with talking to people so I hope this can go well," she was talking to me. I couldnt get words to come out of my mouth. "Are you okay? You look a little pale."

"I'm sorry, that's just how I normally look," I finally got words to come out. But it was probably one of the worst things I could've  said in that moment.

•Stevie POV•

I tried my best to hold back my laugh but still ended up laughing a little but I don't think she noticed.

"I mean, yes I'm Allison but I go by Ally. So you are Stevie?" She managed to say something a little less dumb.

"Yes that's me. Don't be to surprised if I don't talk much, I don't like talking," it was crazy that I was talking at all actually. In all honesty I felt comfortable with Ally. I have no idea why but I feel like I can tell her anything and everything. I still have this weird feeling in my stomach though I have never felt anything like it before though.

"Yeah umm, so we should talk about the project some time. Where are you going to be during free period?" She asked. She seemed surprisingly nervous, I took her as the 'I'm a badass and you cant talk to me' kind of girl. Guess not.

"Probably just hanging around doing nothing. We can talk about it then I guess," I replied to her trying to act less excited then I was. I still dont know why I was excited to see her again.

"Can I get your number so I can text you where we are going to meet?" I just asked for her number. What is going on with me today?

She wrote it down on a piece of paper and the bell rang for second period. I couldnt concentrate in any of my morning classes because I was thinking about Ally. Free period was 6th and I still had a few more classes.

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