Chapter 2~ Is she looking at me?

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•Stevie POV•

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh another horrid day at school. School is the worst and it's even worse when it's your first day at a new school and you're a senior. It's going to be hard to make friends not mention my lack of social skills. I dont know how I am going to survive this year. No stop Stevie you can't think like that. You are going to make it with outstanding grades except maybe History and English and Calculus and Chemistry. Who am I kidding? I am not going to pass and if I do it will be right on the edge. I hear my alarm go off again so I get up and walk to my closet and pull out some random clothes. I look in the mirror and I don't look half bad.

I go to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As I open the fridge I realize I have no milk.

"I guess I'm not having cereal today,"*sigh* I will go to the store after school. For now I'll just have some eggs. I cook the eggs quickly because I might end up being late to class. I shove my food down my throat and go to my car.

I get to school and keep my head low so I don't draw attention to myself. I decide not to talk to anyone today and just walk to class. I get to my first period and it's Chemistry. My worst subject, I hope the teacher won't be to harsh when it comes to assignments. I decide that I'll talk to him.

"Hello Mr. Kingsman, I am Stevie Boebi and just wanted to introduce myself," I say a little shyly.

"Hi Stevie, you are going to love my class we do lots of projects. Most of them you will have a partner. In fact we are doing one today, don't worry it's not hard just going over things you've already learned."

Oh gosh, partners! I really am not ready for this I hope that this won't go as bad as I think it will.

"I am sure I will enjoy it thank you," I am not going to enjoy this at all. I turn to go find a seat after I hear the bell and see a young girl with emerald green eyes and dark hair. I see that she is looking me straight in the eyes she seems a little young to be in this class maybe she just is in smarter classes, but really what I am asking myself is. Is she looking at me?

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