Chapter 10~ Secret?

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•Ally POV• *Thursday*

I slept great last night. It felt amazing to have Stevie in my arms. It made me feel safe to have her with me. I woke up to Stevies alarm, I slowly opened my eyes to see that Stevie wasn't next to me. I looked around the room and didnt see her. I had to pee so I went to the restroom, after I came out I went to look for Stevie. I went to the living room and didn't see her. I went to the kitchen and saw her cooking eggs. I walked closer to her and slipped my hands around her waist. She jumped a little and I laughed.

"Not used to anyone hugging you?" I asked still holding on to her.

"Well no. I have never been in a romantic relationship" She replied not seeming bothered by it.

"Oh. Trust me on this. This relationship will be the best you'll ever have."

"I think it will. Especially if it's with you." She turned around looking at me.

"You know I wanted to make you breakfast in bed."

"I was just concerned when I didn't see you in bed so I had to come looking for you."

"Mmmm okay," she smiled kissing me on the lips quickly and turning back around to look at the stove.

I hopped on to the counter like I did last night. I just watched her cook as I twiddled with my fingers. While we were waiting for the food to cool down she came over to me and put her body in between my legs. She set her hands on my thighs and looked up at me. I stared into her brown eyes and leaned in. When our lips met it was indescribable. It was just so extraordinary that I couldn't use the right words to explain it. We pulled away and looked at each other again. She grabbed the plates from next to me and walked over to the table. She set them down and began eating her food. I jumped down and went to sit next to her. We ate our food and went back to her room and got our clothes. I changed in the restroom while she changed in her room. I knocked on the door to see if she was done.

"Are you dressed Stevie?"

"Yeah. You can come in here."

I stepped out and grabbed my backpack. We went to the front door and locked it.

"Do you want to drive?" Stevie asked me.

"Yeah I will."

She threw me the keys and I caught them. I opened the passenger door for her and she sat down. I closed her door and went over to mine and got in. I started the car and drove out of the driveway and down the street. While we were driving Stevie got hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers. We finally got to the school and I told her to stay in the car for a second. I ran around to her door and I opened it. I offered my hand to her so she could use it to help her get out. She grabbed it and stood I closed the door behind her and we walked into the school. We went to our lockers and then Mr. Kingsmans room. We had to do this weird experiment with milk and vinegar. It was fun though. The rest of the day went really smooth. At lunch Danny was eyeing Stevie and I the whole time. We were secretly holding hands under the table. No one noticed except Shan who was sitting next to Stevie as usual. She gave us both a look and I returned a look saying that we would talk about it later. The bell rang and we all went to our classes. When Stevie and I got home that night we just sat and watched Netflix. I brought my guitar from my house on the way back from school and played a little bit for her. I was writing a song for her but I didn't tell her it was going to be a surprise. We fell asleep while watching Sharknado which was the most stupid movie ever. It was super fucking funny though. I held her close, her head laying on my chest and our legs wrapped around each other.


A/N-I know this chapter is a little shorter but I have to get up a little earlier because I am going to a friend's house. I might not write a chapter tomorrow depending if I stay the night over there or not. If I don't write tomorrow I will try to write 2 or 3 the day after. Thanks for reading.

P.s. Didn't go over this chapter so if there are any mistakes I am sorry.

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