Chapter 7~ Stevie's House

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•Stevie POV•

Ally hopped in my car and we drove to Starbucks before going to my house. We both got our favorites drinks and sucked them down while driving.

We got to my house and walked inside. Ally brought the part of the project that we had already done and I brought the rest of the supplies to finish. We made our way to my room and sat on the bed.

"Time to finish this up so we can turn it in tomorrow," I said enthusiastically.

"Yay so much fun," she says sarcastically while starting on more of the project.

I laughed, "Yeah lots of fun. At least we are working on it together so we can have a little actual fun." I winked at her slightly not even knowing I was doing it until she lowered her head and smlied while blushing.

"W-We should probably umm get this done as fast as we can so we can just talk and watch a movie or something," she said very shyly.

I giggled at her. "You are so adorable," I whisper to myself.

"What did you say?" Did she hear?

"Umm nothing just that tacos sound good right now?" I say questionably.

•Ally POV•

"You are so adorable," she just said I was adorable. Does this mean she likes me? No she is not even gay. At least I don't think so. I acted like I didn't hear and just asked her.

"What did you say,"

"Umm nothing just that tacos sound good right now?" I laughed hard.

We finished the project pretty quickly and decided to watch some Netflix in her room.

"Hey if you don't mind me asking where are your parents?" I ask Stevie making sure not to sound to pushy.

"Oh no it's fine I can tell you. So umm well my mom and dad were really happy for a while and they ended up having my brother and I. Well something happened between them and my mother ummm well she committed suicide. I was 6 and my brother was 9. It was hard for both of us but we had each other's back. My dad on the other hand became a drunk and he would... hurt us sometimes when it got bad. My brother would usually take the hits for me and I hated it. I didn't like seeing him getting hurt..." by this time she had started crying so I scooted closer to her and put my right arm around her shoulder and my left hand on her left shoulder.

"It's okay Stevie you dont have to continue. I am here for you though. Anytime you need it I will be here, okay?" I said reassuring her.

"No it's okay I'll continue I might just cry a little more. Thank you. So one day I got so fed up with my father hurting us that I called the police. I was about 13 at the time. So I called the police and they came to the house and caught my father hitting and kicking my brother. They took him away and put him in prison. My grandmother decided that she would take my brother and I in and take care of us. So we had to move to Louisiana. When my brother turned 19 he moved into his own apartment here in LA. Since I was still only 16 I stayed with my grandma until I turned 18 and now I'm here and I am renting this house. I saved up a lot of money working in Louisana. I am probably going to move into a apartment soon because I am getting tired of this house. So yeah I am here by myself." Wow she has had a hard life. I can't believe it. I am going to be here for her I won't let her feel lonely ever.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that. I sure am glad that you are here though. I have now met you and that is the best I could ask for."She was balling her eyes out and I was hugging her. Her head on the right side of my neck with my left hand running through her hair and my right hand running circles on her back.

"You are the best friend I have ever had Ally. I am so glad I have you in my life." I saddened a little. Damn it friend-zoned. I don't care as long as she is in my life. Even though it would be amazing if we were more.

"You too, Stevie. You too."she layed in my arms until she fell asleep. I grabbed my phone to see what time it is and I saw that it was 9. I decided just to let Stevie lay in my arms while I laid against the head boare. I didn't want to wake her and my mom still wasn't coming home for awhile. I scooted down a little so I was a little more comfortable. I slowly fell asleep while caressing Stevies soft hair and looking at her flawless face. I really really like this girl what the hell am I going to do. All I could think about while sleeping was how beautiful Stevie is and how wonderful her laugh is. Her gorgeous brown eyes that just pulled you in and didnt let go. Her soft skin that gave me little shocks every time I touched it. Her angelic voice that could give someone a heart attack. Her incredible personality that made you want to be around her constantly and never leave her side. The way that she can be this vulnerable little girl and how she can be the toughest bitch in town. The way she always acted around me when she just didn't give a shit about what she said she would just say it. Before I could finish thinking about every little thing about her. The alarm clock went off.


A/N-Exactly 1000 words! I am enjoying writing this book a lot. I am very proud of myself with publishing at least 1 chapter a day. Hope you're day is great and don't forget to smile!

P.s. Tell me what you want in the book and what you dont want. Should I add some drama with Torey? Or keep it the way it is?

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