Chapter 5~ Friends?

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•Ally POV•

After 9th period I went to the parking lot to get into my car, but I was stopped by someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and was startled when he was super close to my face. I was about to slap him when I realized it was just Danny screwing with me.

"What the fuck man? You scared the shit outta me."

"Haha sorry Alz, what are you doing tonight I was thinking about throwing a back to school party but just with our close friends."

"I'm actually hanging out with Stevie at my house so we can talk about the project and work on it."

He raised one eyebrow and winked at me. "Just be careful, like I said at lunch dont come crying to me when she wants to stay."

I roll my eyes and walk to my car. I hurry because my house is a mess. I get in my car and pull my keys out of my pocket and put them in the ignition. I turn the key and my car won't turn on.

"Fuck me," I say aloud. I try again and it still won't turn on. I try another time and it won't even rumble. I hear a tap on my window and see someone.

•Stevie POV•

I walk out to the parking lot to leave and I sit in my car waiting for Rose. I told her I would drop her off at her house on my way to the store. While I am waiting for Rose to come out I see Ally struggling to start her car. I see her hitting her steering wheel and mumbling something. I decide to get out of my car and tap on her window. She turns and smiles at me her smile is so damn perfect. She opens her door to talk to me.

"Hey Stevie, if you can't tell my car won't start," she says like it's embarrassing.

"Yeah I saw that's why i came over here I was going to ask you if you needed a ride."

"I do, but you have to go to the store and I hate to admit this but my house is an absolute mess and I need to clean before we hang out." Why is she is being so considerate?

"It's okay, I can drop you off at your house while I go to the store so you can clean. Plus I have to drop Rose off at her house." I tell her like it's no big deal.

"Okay sure, thanks."

We head to my car as Rose walks out of school with Rosie. They come over to my car and Rose says that Rosie is going to her house with her. I drop everyone off at the houses and Ally lives right next to Rose so it was pretty easy. I head to the store.

•Ally POV•

After Stevie brings me home I tell her bye and walk into my house. I go to the kitchen first to wash the dishes and wipe the counters down. Then I clean up the living room by throwing away my old chip bags and soda bottles. The final room I clean is mine...this is going to be hard. I start by picking up my dirty clothes on the floor and putting them in the laundry. After I throw them in the washing machine I pick up old food and snacks. I make my bed and move all my instruments out of the middle of the floor. I put my guitars on the wall, my keyboard in the corner, and my drumsticks in the drawer. After I finish cleaning the house I decide to sit on my porch until Stevie gets here. After a few minutes I text her.

A: Hey just wondering where you are. It's been awhile.

S: Sorry I just dropped the milk off at my house and I am heading to yours. The first 2 stores I went to didn t have any milk.

A: Okay I'll see you in a few

5 minutes later Stevie pulls up and waves at me. I walk over to her and lead her inside.

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