Chapter 12~ Firsts

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•Stevie POV• *Friday The Party*

I woke up with someone's arms wrapped around me. It took me a solid three seconds to remember that they were Ally's. I was careful when I moved my head to look up at her. She was smiling a small bit. It made me happy to see that she is glad to be holding me. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and got out of bed. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:26, I walk to my closet and pull out a T-Shirt with The Beatles on it. I also grab some black jeans. I look over at Ally and see that she is still asleep. I decide just to stay in the room and get dressed. I get my shirt on and in the middle of me pulling up my pants Ally starts to wake up. She glances at me and sees what's happening, she closed her eyes as soon as she recognized what I was doing.

"Are you done?" She asked.

I laugh. "Yes, I am done."

She opened her eyes and looked at me smiling. We laughed together and she got up to put on some clothes. She decided to wear some of my older clothes even though they are the exact same as what i wear now just a little smaller. She pulled out a white shirt and a red flannel. With some black ripped jeans of her own. She went to the bathroom to get ready and when she came out she looked outstanding. She was wearing the white shirt and the flannel tied around her waist with the jeans.

"Damn. My penguin is killing it tonight."

"Haha very funny, but in reality you are the one who is better looking." She said to me. She walked closer to me and wrapped her hands around my waist. I put my arms over her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her. Our lips met and it was filled with lust... no not lust.. love. After we separated went downstairs to eat something before we left. I made us sandwiches and we sat at the table eating. We finished up and walked out the door to my car. I let her drive this time. While she drived I called Shannon.

"Hey Stevie. What's up?"

"Just calling to tell you that Ally and I are on our way."

"Mmmm you and Ally? Something seems a little fishy."

"We will talk about it later Shan now bye" I said back to her laughing.


After a few moments after hanging up Ally spoke.

"So what are you talking about later with Shannon?" She asked.

"She thinks that something is up with us."

"Oh yeah. She umm saw us holding hands at lunch." I looked at Ally.

"So she knows?"

"Yeah, I think so. Is that okay?"

"Yeah of course as long as you are cool with it."

We continued driving until we arrived at Shannons house. Ally and I walked in the house together and saw that Rose and Rosie were already there with Cammie and Shannon. Obviously Shannon and Cammie were already there. The four of them were sitting across from each other on the couches. I didn't see Danny or Spags yet. Ally and I walked into the kitchen to grab some drinks. We sat in the kitchen until Danny showed up.

"Woooo! Now the party is gonna start with the one and only Danny boyy!" He said. I am ninety-nine percent sure that he was already drunk. But that is also just his personality.

"Yeahhh" we all screamed.

We all sat in the living room together waiting for Spags. About ten minutes later she showed up.

"Sorry guys. I was putting the last part of my mashup together. I got stuck on what I should do but Danny texted me earlier giving me an idea." Spags said. So that's where he was. He had disappeared for a few minutes earlier and we didn t know what happened.

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