Chapter 11~ Party?

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•Stevie POV• *Friday*

I woke up next to Ally. She was still asleep, I just stared at her perfect face. I couldn't understand why she liked me I am the most awkward girl when I am not around her. I don't care why she chose me I'm just glad I have her. As my what though? Girlfriend? Or are we just kinda friends with benefits? I will bring it up to her later. She started to wake up.

"Good morning Penguin," I smiled at her.

"Good morning." She said with her raspy morning voice.

I got out of bed and went to my closet to pick some clothes out. I grabbed a white t-shirt, a red flannel, and some black jeans with holes. I went to the bathroom while Ally laid in bed. After I did my makeup and hair I walked into the room to get Ally.

"Get up Allison. You need to get dressed for school. It's Friday so we will have the whole weekend to sleep."

"Ugh fine."

She started to get up. She went to her bag and grabbed her black ripped jeans and black low cut tank top. We ate cereal because I didn't want to cook and if Ally cooked... Well I wouldn't have a house to sleep in. We got to school and went through our day like any other. At lunch everyone was talking about their own things, until Shan mentioned a party she was throwing tonight.

"Okay so listen guys. I am throwing a party at mine tonight but not like a big one just with us eight. You have to come tonight. Are you in?"

"I am," I said. "Ally?"

"Yeah sure," Ally said.

"I am definitely going." said Cammie. We all knew she was going to be at Shannons place anyways.

"You already know that we are in." said Rose, talking about her and Rosie.

"Of course Shan. Sounds like a lot of fun." Danny said with that dorky smile on his face.

"Well if Danny is going I guess I'll go" said Spags. I am pretty sure they might secretly be a thing. That or they have just gotten to be a lot closer friends. We finished up lunch and when the bell rang went to our other classes.

•Ally POV•

The last bell finally rang and I went to my locker to put my stuff up. I saw this girl waiting next to my locker.

"Hey Ally, I was just wondering why haven't you been... you know getting the girls." She asked I finally recognized who it was. Rebecca. I had slept with her more than once she was the only one. She was obsessed with me. She was always asking to do it again, but I always declined. She got pissed and started telling everyone that I had rats and bugs in my house. She did it so that less girls would ask to come over. I finally got the rumor to stop. She still would try to talk to me all the time but I ignored her. Well now it's time to speak to her.

"Actually Rebecca I have found someone that I really like. She is a hundred times better than any other girl." I said emphasising the word 'really'.

"I doubt it. You are probably going to have sex with her and then kick her out of your life." She looked hurt. Like I had stabbed her.

"Think what you want but I love her." I just said I loved Stevie. Do I? Yes of course I do.

"Mhm okay well see ya later Ally. Hope you have fun with your little friend of yours." She walked away and I put the rest of my stuff up. I walked out to the parking lot and saw Stevie waiting for me at her car. She was talking to Shan, I am assuming about the party. When I close enough to hear them they stopped talking and Stevie looked at me and smiled.

"You ready?"

"Always have been."

We got in the car after telling Shan bye and drove to the house. When we got there I ran to the room and plopped on the bed. I was so tired. I kicked my shoes off and covered up. Stevie came in shortly after and laughed at me.

"Already in bed sleepyhead."

"Just for a little bit. I mean the party doesn't start until 9:30. I texted Shannon on the way here and it's only 4. Can I please sleep?" I asked making a pouty face.

"Ugh, fine. You are just too cute to say no to."

She laid down in bed next to me and cuddled into my chest. I could feel her breath on my arm. It sent shivers through me. I just laid there waiting for her to fall asleep first. After I knew she was asleep I closed my eyes completely falling into a deep deep sleep. Dreaming about the only thing that mattered anymore. Stevie Leigh Boebi.


A/N-Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I liked writing it and I will hopefully be writing another one later today. It will be what happens at the party. What do you think will happen? Don't forget to vote and do all that stuff. Also tell me what you want in the story and want you don't want. Should I had some Torey drama in there? Thanks for reading. See ya later suckers!

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