Chapter 4~ Lunch and After School?

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•Ally POV•

It was the start of 5th period and I couldn't comprehend anything the teacher was saying. I was thinking about seeing Stevie again, it didn't make sense to me why I am feeling this way. I never felt like this before... well not in several years. My ex-girlfriend she was something else she made me happy all the time. Her name was Torey, it was hard for us because we had a LDR. She was the only person I ever loved and she broke my heart when I caught her cheating on me when I went to surprise her at her house. I was devastated.


I got off the airplane and headed for the car I was renting. I drove to a flower shop to pick up some tulips and lilies. Once I had them i drove to Toreys house, the door was unlocked so I just walked right in. I looked in the kitchen and living room but couldnt find her so I went to her bedroom. I opened the door and saw a girl on top of Torey and I gasped.

" It's not what you think Ally, I just wasn't getting enough of you," she said to me after she realized I was there. The other girl picked up her clothes and walked out. I looked at Torey and threw the flowers and her and started yelling at her.

"I loved you. I came here to surprise you and i walk into this! I can't believe I fell in love with you how could you!" I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I stormed off.

《End of Flashback》

The bell for 5th period to end rang and I stood up and walked out. I shoved my things in my locker and waited in the main hallway for a text from Stevie.

About 20 seconds later my phone dinged. I picked it up and looked at the message.

S: Meet me on the football field under the stands

A: Okay be there in 2

I got up from leaning on the wall and started towards the field. When I got there Stevie was already sitting under the stands. I still didn't understand what I was feeling and when I looked at her I froze. I couldn't move a thing. She didn't notice me yet and I was still stuck staring at her beautiful face. She finally looked up from her hands.

"Hey Ally, are you going to continue staring or going to come talk about this project with me?" I started to blush so I looked down as I made my way underneath the stands.

•Stevie POV•

I was sitting under the stands waiting for Ally. She arrived a little after and she stopped in her tracks and looked at me. She didn't say anything or even move, I pretended that I didn't notice her staring. She continued to stare and it made me feel good about myself so I let her. After a good 45 seconds I finally spoke up.

"Hey Ally, are you going to continue staring or going to come talk about this project with me?" I could see that she was blushing. She made her way underneath and sat next to me. It was silent but it was comfortable. I still didn't understand why I seemed more confident when i was around her, like I could do whatever I wanted with no problems. She gave me this feeling that no one else could.

"So about this chemistry project..." She started.

"Yea so I was thinking we could have a large poster board like kids do at science fairs. We could have sections going over a few of the main categories in Chemistry," I said. She looked at me with a shy smile on her face.

"Hmm you are pretty creative when it comes to this. The only thing I can do is get the good grade but I just do the bare minimum." She said. I started to get a little flustered and replied.

"Yeah well I might be creative but I'm not very smart. Actually Chemistry is my worst subject I get horrible grades in it."

"I doubt that but I'm sure that with our minds put together we can for sure ace this thing. Plus you will possibly have a new friend in the end."

A new friend? Was she talking about her? I would love to be friends with her, maybe even more... No Stevie you don't like her you can't you have only met her today. It's only a small crush that you will get over in a couple of days."Yes definitely, we will be a great team and I guess having a friend at this school won't be so bad."

We continued to talk about the project and created this image of what it would look like and finally it was time for lunch.

"Hey Stevie,"


"You can sit with my friends and I at lunch if you want to," she just offered me to sit with her.

"Yeah I'll be there. If you don't mind walking with me to lunch that would be great too."

"Of course I will." She was so darn cute and she seemed nervous around me. But I watched her with other people and she always acted badass and rude. I couldn't understand why she was different with me.


We arrived at lunch and went through the line to get food. Some guy walked up to me and tried to get my number. I declined politely and he continued flirting. Ally got in his face and started to go off on him.

"Listen Mark, you need to back off she already said no and she's not into you. Move on and try to get someone else." Her voice was very stern. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Thank you so much," I thanked Ally. She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking through the line. After we got our food we walked to a table with a few people.

"This is Ali Spagnola, we call her Spags, Danny, Rose, Rosie, Cammie, and Shannon." She introduced me to all of them. I sat next to Ally and Shannon. Ally in my left and Shannon to my right. Danny was in front of Ally with Rose in front of me and Rosie in front of Shannon. Cammie was next to Shannon and I saw them holding hands out of the corner of my eye. I looked over at Ally and I saw that Danny was whispering to Ally I couldn't hear what he was saying so I decided to make a conversation with Rose.

•Ally POV•

"Is she just another one of your hook ups?" Danny whispered to me after I introduced everyone.

"No Daniel she is one of my friends. I invited her to sit with us at lunch because we were talking during free period. We were working on our Chemistry project. You can ask Spags if you want she is in my class with her." I replied sharply.

"Fine okay I believe you but don't come to me after you can't get her out of your bed tomorrow," I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at Stevie she was talking to Rose about her first day here. Everyone just talked and got a long the rest of lunch.

"Do you want to come to my place to work on the project for Chemistry after school," I asked Stevie nervously.

"I have to go to the store to buy some milk, but after that I can come over," she replied with a bright smile on her face that showed her perfect teeth. I got distracted when looking at her face and didn't realize the bell rang for lunch to be over. I finally snapped back into reality and told her I would text her after school and give her my address. Oh gosh she is coming over and everything is a complete mess in my room. I got a call from my mom in 8th period and she said she is leaving for a business trip and she will be gone for the next 2 weeks. She always trusted me to stay home by myself. I canceled all my plans with the girls who I had planned to have sex with and went back to class. I'm going to have to have to clean up everything before Stevie gets there. I hope it takes her a little while to get the milk.

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