Chapter 8~ My Dream Girl

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•Stevie POV•

My alarm clock went off and I woke up. Ally went back to sleep after I turned it off. I turned to look at her and saw how beautiful her face was. I always knew it was but up close it still looked great. I think I am starting to have feelings for her but I'm not sure. I mean she is the greatest thing ever but she probably isn't interested in me. No one ever is... I have survived this long without anyone so what's another year alone? She will probably get tired of being my friend soon enough and I won't have to worry about it. I'll just enjoy what I have now and if all goes well then whoopty doo. She started to stir and I smiled at her.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said with my morning voice.

"It sure is a good morning. Waking up to you." She said with a small smirk. She is fucking cute.

"Aww you are so sweet! I cant believe I have you as my best friend." I hated to call her my best friend but it was what she wanted.

"Well you better start believing because it's true." She giggled.

I went downstairs to start breakfast, while she got ready. I had already gotten dressed and done my makeup when Ally came into the kitchen. Breakfast finished and I put some eggs, bacon, and sausage on a plate and set it on the table. Ally hurried to the table and started to scarf down her food. I laughed.

"You must be really hungry," I said in between laughs.

"Well it's just because it tastes so good."

"Okay well finish up so we can go to school."

We ate the rest of our breakfast and went to my car. I locked the door behind us and we drove to school. When we got there we separated to go to our lockers and met up in Chemistry class. Ally had brought the finished project because I had my hands full of stuff for second period.

"Everyone has seemed to finish and turn in their projects so today you will get another free day to talk and do what you want. As long as it is school appropriate." Mr. Kingsman seemed to be a pretty cool teacher after all.

•Ally POV•

Since we all turned our projects in we got to talk. Of course I went over to Stevies desk and we started talking about hanging out again.

"Yeah so tonight and tomorrow? At your house?" I asked.

"Yup! We are going to have the best two days ever. Are you sure your mom is okay with this?" She asked with a smile on her face. It's going to kill me if that's what she is going to do for the next two days.

"Yeah my mom is going to be out of town until next Monday and she doesn't mind if I hang out with my friends." I replied returning her smile.

"Okay so see you at lunch? The bell is about to ring."

"Yup I'll be there."


*At Lunch*

It's was finally time for lunch and I was exhausted. All my other morning classes we were working constantly. Especially in music. We had to right our own song. It didnt have to be good but I wanted it to be.

I walked through the line to get my food when I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind. I jumped. I heard a familiar laugh and I automatically knew who it was.

"Wow Stevie. Now you're scaring the shit out of me?" I said laughing a little.

"Well I saw the opportunity and I took it. Sometimes you just have to take your chances." This got me thinking.... should I just tell her how I feel? Or maybe not our friendship is going pretty well. I'll keep it to myself for now.

"The infamous Stevie Boebi. Always taking chances and being adventurous." I said posing as a super hero.

She giggled, "Well... not always. Only when I am with you."

My heart fluttered. She always had that effect on me. We continued to walk through the line to get our food and we sat at our table in the usual spots. Except I didn't see Cammie.

"Hey Shan, where is Cammie?"

"She was feeling sick today so she stayed home. I brought her some soup this morning." She replied. I a pretty sure that they are dating. I caught them holding hands a few times and they are always hanging out. On the other hand they could just be really good friends.

"Okay tell her I hope she feels better soon."

"Will do."

Lunch continued and the conversations ended up being us debating on who the best celebrity is. Well it was all the girls against Danny.

"Danny listen, Kristen Stewart is the best celebrity, okay?" Rose said.

"No she's not! Leonardo DiCaprio is! I don't give a shit about what you say!" He was basically screaming.

"Okay okay calm down. Girls, let's just let him have this one. We all know who the best is but sometimes we have to let someone else think what they want." Shan finally said calming everyone down.

"Fine." The rest of us said in unison.

The bell finally rang and we left for 7th. The rest of my day turned out to be pretty good. Every time Stevie saw me in the hall she would wave and I would wave back. I couldnt stop thinking about how the next two days were going to go and how I was going to tell her about my feelings eventually. I don't think she knows about the whole me sleeping with a whole bunch of girls thing so that's good I guess. But who knows how long until someone tells her. I didn't care if she found out because it won't change the way I feel about her.

This girl is going to be the death of me.

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