Chapter 13~ First Time.... Well Almost

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•Ally POV• *Saturday*

I woke up with a huge headache. I had a hangover and it fucking sucked. I was holding Stevie, her head laying on my left shoulder with my right hand around her back. Her arms were wrapped around my waist and our legs intertwined. I decided to just stay in the bed and lay with her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't ever want to lose her. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have her. I would probably have someone random in my bed right now actually. I didnt like thinki mg about that anymore. I cleared my mind of everything else except the surprise I had for Stevie tomorrow night. I am finally going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I really hope she likes what i am going to do for her. Stevie starts to wake up and I smile at her.

"Good morning lady."

"Morning," *groans* She said with her raspy morning voice. She was grabbing her head.

"Do you want me to get you some headache relief?" I asked her knowing that her head was pounding. She had drank a lot more than I did.

"Can you please, Penguin?" She said with her bottom lip sticking out.

"Of course." She smiled and I kissed her quickly.

I got out of bed to get the medicine and completely forgot that I didn't have any pants on. I looked back at Stevie and she was cuddled back in the blankets. I walked into her bathroom and grabbed the medicine. I then walked to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of cold water. I took my headache relief and then brought a glass and pill back to the bedroom. I set them down on the side table and crawled back into bed.

"I brought you some water and the medicine. We should probably eat too or else it's going to hurt our stomachs." I said to her while caressing her hair.

"Thank you, Pretty. I'll make us some pancakes." She sat up and I handed her the water and medicine. She swallowed it and I took the glass back to the kitchen. She was following behind me and I could feel her staring at me. I turned around and caught her looking.

"See something you like?" I asked.

"I sure do." She said with a huge smile on her face that showed her perfect white teeth.

Stevie started to cook the pancakes and I sat on the island counter that was in the middle of the kitchen. She didn't have any pants on either. She was just in her Beatles shirt from last night and her underwear. I was wearing the flannel buttoned up without the white T-Shirt. I was watching her cooking. Yeah definitely watching the cooking nothing else... okay maybe something else. She turned to grab the pancake mix and caught me looking.

"So now you are the one who sees something they like?"

"Pfft. I don't like it. I love it." I said back to her laughing.

"Well these pancakes are almost done so you should be looking at them." She was laughing too.

"Ugh fine. But I think that you are the better view."

We laughed and ate the pancakes on the couch. I turned on OITNB and sat back down next to Stevie. We finished up everything and went back to the bedroom. I was sitting against the head board and Stevie was at the foot of the bed.

"You know you are like really fucking gorgeous, right?" She asks me taking me by surprise.

"Well I don't think I'm gorgeous but I did seem to find an amazing girl."

"Oh shush you are just trying to butter me up."

"Me?! You are the one saying I'm gorgeous!"

"That's because you are! I'm only telling the truth."

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