Chapter 9~ Two Days of Excitement

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•Ally POV•  *Wednesday*

After school Stevie and I drove to my house. Since I was staying at hers for the next two days I needed clothes. When we arrived I ran upstairs to my room and pulled out three outfits. Two pairs of ripped black skinny jeans, a low cut tank top, and a Paramore shirt. I also brought some pajama pants with penguins on them and  a hoodie for when we slept. I shoved all of it in my duffel bag. I got back into the car and we drove to Stevies. We got in the house we went to the kitchen and she made dinner while I sat on the counter next to the stove.

"So how was your day?" She asked while flipping the vegetables around.

"It was pretty good I guess. Not much happened, just same old same old. What about you?"

"Well I got an A on my English assignment."

"Thats great! Good job!"

"I'm not a dog Allison. Don't treat me like one," she said trying to be serious but ended up laughing.

"I'm so sincerely sorry Stevison." I said while laughing.

"Stevison? Really?"

"Yeah it has a nice ring to it."

She rolled her eyes and continued to cook. I would stare at her when she was looking down at the food. Every once in awhile I would catch her glance and smile. I wanted so bad to kiss her but she doesn't feel the same.

"Hey Stevie?"

"Yes?" She said not looking up from the food.

"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it's just something I wanna ask."

"Yeah what is it?" She said finally looking up at me.

"Are you like...okay with gay people?"

"Yes of course. In fact I am actually gay myself." Well i guess that answers my other question.

"Okay I just wanted to make sure."

"Why would you need to make sure? Are you... gay too?" She asked looking me directly in the eyes.

•Stevie POV•

"Why would you need to make sure? Are you... gay too?" I asked looking her in the eyes. I moved a little closer to her. Her legs were dangling off the counter and her hands next to her thighs. I leaned on the counter a little bit and continued to look at her emerald green eyes.

"Y-Yes I am," she finally managed to get out. I got even closer to her and I put my body in between her legs I put my face closer to hers. We were almost touching... and I pulled away. Her face was really red and she was looking down at the stove.

"Listen Ally I think I like you. Like a lot, but we need to get to know each other a little more before this happens." I told her trying to convince myself of it too. I don't think I would be able to hold myself back much longer.

"No, yeah. I get it. I agree let's be friends and talk right now. Thats fine." She sounded a little sad. I went back to cooking the food and when I finished it I put it on two plates and we sat at the dinner table.

We changed into our comfortable clothes after we ate and laid in my bed.

"Are you tired?" Ally asked me.

"Not at all."

"Same here."

"Want to watch Netflix?" I looked at her. We were sitting up against the headboard.

"Yeah whatever you want."

I put Orphan Black on and slipped my feet under the covers and pulled them up close to my face. We continued to watch until both of us were bored of it. We put on some random movie and laid under the blankets looking at each other. We were staring into each other's eyes.


"Yes Stevie?"

"Do you like me? I mean like like me?"

"What is this 3rd grade?" We laughed. "Yes I do. And it's completely different then anything I have felt towards anyone else. You are special."

I really feel like I am when I am around her. She makes me feel good about myself.

"Thank you. For everything. You are amazing." I told her meaning every word.

"Well I wouldn't say amazing but..." We both chuckled quietly.

"You are such a dork." I said.

"I know. But I am still the best dork you will ever know."

"I have no doubt in that."

We sat there looking at each other. Neither of us seemed to blink once, it felt so unreal to have someone this beautiful and great in my life. I really want something with this girl. I am ready.

I scooted closer to her and put my right hand on her hair right above her ear. I pushed the hair back and kept my hand on her cheek. She still had her make up on and it was smeared. She still looked great. I sat up on my elbow and moved my head so close to hers that our noses were touching.

"Do you want to now?" She asked. It was so cute that she was being considerate.

"Yes. I am sure." I said assuring her I was ready.

Our eyes were closed and we slowly got close enough that our lips were touching. I finally kissed her she returned the kiss immediately. The kiss was like nothing I had ever imagined it was filled with so much.... I dont know what it was filled with but it was amazing. I pulled back hesitantly and looked into her eyes again. Every time I looked at them I felt like I was going to collapse. I broke the silence with

"You know you are my first kiss,"

"I am? No way you are a really good kisser." She said with surprise in her voice.

"Pfft I doubt it."

"You are! Actually it was the best kiss I have ever had!" Now I really didnt believe her.

"Oh shush! You don't have to lie."

"Whatever. Don't believe me I would never lie to you though. Trust me it isn't worth it to lie to you." She was being serious. She really wasn't going to lie me. I trusted her with everything.

"You should go wash your makeup off. You don't want to break out in the morning." I told her.

"Fine," she got up and went to the restroom. When she returned she had no makeup on and she managed to still look incredible. She flopped down in bed.

"Goodnight Ally." I said while rolling my eyes.


We fell asleep and half way through the night I felt someone's hands wrap around me pulling me closer. Ally pulled me into her chest and I drifted back to sleep. Tomorrow is going to go completely different than I thought it would.

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