Chapter 6~ Another Day at School

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•Ally POV•


Ugh. I turn over to turn my alarm off. I was right about last night. It wasn't the longest night of my life and I have had some long nights. *wink* I was constantly thinking about Stevie and her picking me up this morning. She always seemed to be on my mind and I couldn't get much sleep. I ended up falling asleep around 4 and my alarm goes off at 5 so I only got an hour of sleep. I stand up from my bed and start stretching. I yawn indicating that I definitely didn t get enough sleep. I walk to my closet and pick out my nicest Paramore shirt and cleanest ripped jeans. I put on some light makeup after I was my face and shower. By the time I was don't with all of that it was 6. I still had 30 minutes so I went downstairs to make pancakes.

It took me several trys to get everything just right and I almost burnt the house down twice. I finally got some made and let them cool.

I head to the living room to watch something on the television. I sit down and turn the channel to Criminal Minds. I fucking love shows like this. A few mintues later I get a text. I look at who it's from and it says Stevie.

S: Hey are you going to be ready when I come get you in 20 mins?

A: Yes I will. Just gotta eat my pancakes!

S: Okay see you later ^_^

After I finished my fluffy and soft pancakes I went upstairs to my bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure I was presentable. I ran back downstairs and went to wait on the porch it was 6:30. Right on time. Stevie pulled up and I picked up my backpack. I walked to Stevies car with a smile on my face.

•Stevie POV•

I texted Ally to make sure that she would be ready. I finished cleaning myself up and walked to the kitchen to eat some cereal. I got into my car after I finished eating and brushing my teeth.

I arrived at Allys house and she walked to my car. She was smiling the whole way. Fuck her smile kills me.

"Hey Ally," I said with a huge smile.

"Hey, thanks again for taking me to school today," she said while getting in the car.

"It's no big deal. I would take you to school everyday if I had to." Was that too much? Probably but I don't care I meant it.

She laughed, "You might have to if my car is done for. Which it probably will be."

I gave her a smile while pulling out of the driveway and driving down the street. The whole car ride we just talked about our pasts and what we like to do. I caught her looking at me every once in a while I was looking at the road. She thought I didn't notice but the look she gave me made me feel really good. We eventually got to the school.

"Here we are. The most boring place in the world." She said looking at me with this sad look on her face.

I smiled at her, "You will survive, okay? I will be there in the halls."

She gave me a grateful look and we started towards the school. We separated when got inside to go to our lockers and then met back up at Mr. Kingsmans room.

Mr. Kingsman announced something to the whole class, "Since everybody has been working on their projects so much outside of the class I decided that you can do what you want for this period. Don't tell any of my other periods though because they will have to work on their projects in class. Don't get into any trouble and have fun and visit."

I looked over at Ally and saw that she was already looking at me. I smiled. She got up and walked to sit in the desk next to me.

"Free class? Sounds good to me, I get to talk to an amazing person." She was talking about me and it surprised me a little, but I hid it well. She also seemed to be gaining a little more cincidence around me.

"Same for me except you are a hundred times better than I am" I said back.

"Oh shut up!" She laughed.

"What? You are! You are smart, talented, creative, well when it comes to music. You are beautiful and funny and so many other things I could go on and on." I could see that she was blushung from what I said. She looked down at her hands trying not to let me see.

" thanks, but you really are better than me. I dont care what you say." She replied a little caught off guard.

"Fine, agree to disagree?"

"Fine" we laughed together. For the next 30 minutes we just talked about whatever came up. I looked at the clock and saw the bell was about to ring.

"Hey you should totally come over after school today. We can work on the project a little more" I offered to Ally.

"Yeah sure, but you are going to have to give me a ride. I called a mechanic and they said that my car is dead."

"Okay meet at my car after ninth."

•Ally POV•

Well guess who was nervous as hell all day long? This girl! Stevie and I were going to hang out again and work on the project, but I didn't know if I should cancel or not. I went through all my classes and my 9th period was the longest. I finally got past it and started towards the parking lot. I decided to not cancel and go anyways. Also while I had all that time to think i finally admitted to myself that I liked Stevie. Not just like her but like her. She was different than all those other girls. I got to Stevies car and we went to her house. Hopefully this all goes well like last night did.


A/N--I decided that I am going to try and write 1000 words every chapter just so there is more. I also did not re-read this chapter so if there are any mistakes I am sorry. Leave a comment on what should be included and what should be left out. Don't forget to vote and all that. Until next chapter... See ya later suckers!

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