chapter=32 Misunderstandings(edited)

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In three words, life goes on regardless of what occurs.

I was taking off his black jacket, jeans, and black shirt. Despite my repeated attempts, I decided to give it another shot today since I am sure he will wear it.

Since he rarely sleeps, I decided to let him rest after noticing how calmly he appeared to be sleeping. I looked at our wall clock and saw that it was 7am.

And Ramadan is coming up. I hope we can work out our differences before the holy month. Mhh, I will make his favorite meal.

I charged his phone so that when he leaves, it will be 100% charged while I set up his suits and ties.

We had a brief conversation after I went to see my mother-in-law making breakfast.

I was stunned and at a loss for words when she asked, "So will you tell me what is bothering you?" She took plates away from me. How did she know something was wrong?

You are probably wondering how I found out.We headed to the sitting room to wait for Ahad to arrive after I nodded and she told me to set aside since everything was ready.

"It is clear from the way you look at him that you love him,"She asked, and when I nodded once more, I grinned and said, "I knew it," with excitement.

"Aunty, he has been ignoring me for a week and more. Although I pretended to be asleep, he said something that further confused me: "If I knew, I would hate him, but how could I hate the person I love?"

"Mum, why is he avoiding me? We had such a beautiful relationship, I am so scared."When I told her, she gave me the one thing I really needed—a hug. Later, when we watched Ahad come down the stairs, I noticed that he was staring at me, but he did not even bother to smile.

He greeted her with "Assalamualeikum mum," kissed her forehead in the same manner as he used to treat me, and sat down at the dining table while we joined him. A short while later, my father-in-law joined as well.

They just stared at each other. Ahad glanced at me, then at his mother. "Waleikumsalam dear," she said, "come home early today please both of you."

"What is the special occasion?"He asked, focusing only on his mother, and his father smiled at me while praising the hastily prepared dish. I am glad we still get to have breakfast together even on workdays.

As I was getting tea for her and myself, she said, "I just want us to spend family time together." I grinned in response.

Her husband said, "I will be there," and she smiled and nodded."

"Goodbye, mom and dad. See you later." He left without saying anything more, but as he reached for his car keys, he announced that he would make an effort to return.

Dad tried to reassure me, saying, "Do not worry, he will come around." He was on my side, but even so, he knew now. That gave me a smile.

Dad was taking a nap because he has been under a lot of stress lately due to family and business expenses. I was relieved that Ahad was wearing the suit I had taken off for him because he was sitting there quietly.
These days since I have adjusted. My aunt told me to call her mother and uncle like Ahad had gone on a visit, but I stayed at home and called them. Later, in my room, I noticed the time and decided to check WhatsApp.

Aisha had sent me messages. I responded, but one message drew my attention. To my surprise, it was a straightforward message that led to further discussions.
Talks ***within****"Thanks" After all this time, I still did not believe it because it read the message so repeatedly.

"You are welcome," I responded, letting Ahad know it was a message.

"Are you ready to talk?"I replied with a message and got a response right away.

"Please, no!Just give me a little time," he said, requesting to know how many days we had ignored each other. I scowled.

"Ahad, how much longer is it?"I called him even though I had texted him earlier because I could still hear his voice.

My heart was pounding when I dialed his number, which I knew off by heart.

What happened to him?He was talking to me right now?Was he talking to someone or attending a meeting?Astagfirullah, we shouldn't suspect.

I tried again, and this time, when it finally rang, I was shocked to hear a different voice.Ahad was not the owner of that voice. After being informed that Ahad was unavailable and that all of my dreams were just that—dreams—I hung up the phone.

Was he really occupied?a few minutes ago, he was conversing with me?or somebody else...oh Allah, please assist me.
Was he sick of me already, ignoring me?What if he suffered some kind of mishap?
Nobody is so busy that they do not make an attempt to be in your life, whether it be as a friend or something else entirely. Everyone uses their phone virtually daily.
I hope the little update was enjoyable.
I wish you all a happy Eid.

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