Two - Thanos is Coming!

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New York City - Earth

New York City - Earth

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"Have fun on your date you two!" called Wong.

"Thanks, Wong." Stephen and Kat, dressed in more civilian clothes instead of their usual tunics, robes, and cloaks, headed down the stairs towards the door of the Sanctum.

Kat already had her sunglasses on and they hadn't even left the building.

"Hey, hey-" Stephen stopped her. "We talked about this."

She sighed. "I know. It's just - in the Sanctum and at the Compound is one thing, but out there..." Her words trailed off.

"Hey, what are you always telling me? You learn to overcome your scars, and then you accept them and-"

"Wear them proudly." Their words overlapped. Both smiled.

"Hey, says you, hiding your hands in your pockets," she scolded.

He drew his scarred hands from his pockets and held them up in surrender. "No hiding. No pockets, and no glasses."

She couldn't help but smile a little. "Alright Strange, you've convinced me." She folded up the sunglasses and left them on a little table by the door.

"Well I can be very persuasive." He winked.

"Uh huh." They shared a kiss.

Then he took her hand. She ran her thumb gently over his scarred knuckles. "So, where do you want to go?"

"I don't know. I have been feeling like Shawarma-"


The sudden intrusion on the Sanctum caused the three Masters to leap into action. Stephen and Kat's civilian clothes quickly faded away, replaced by their traditional tunics and cloaks. They approached the large hole created by the crash, casting defense spells.

"Thanos is coming!" The green figure who had crash-landed was fading away to reveal none other than Dr. Bruce Banner.

The Masters exchanged a glance. "Who?"


"You know, I had a dream last night where I was magically transported back to the 1970s and I kissed Robert Plant."

"You did not."

"Yes I did!" Kass insisted. "And it wasn't just a kiss, it was a smooch."

"What about my crazy dream?" Tony reminded her.

"Start from the beginning, you were totally rambling and lost me."

"Okay, so you know when you're asleep, and in your dream you have to pee?"

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