Fourteen - Fight For All Life

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Wakanda - Earth

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Sokovian planes touched down in Wakanda in the city centre, greeted by the king, his guard, and the princess.

"No suit this time?" Kalyna asked, emerging from the front plane, her leading guards Niyah and Felix behind her, nodding to T'Challa's traditional robes which he wore instead.

He feigned annoyance. "I wear the suit, you complain. I don't wear the suit, and you complain."

She laughed. "It's not the suit I'm here for." The couple kissed. "My King."

"My Queen. My Love."

"My Love. So, we have an alien problem now?"

"It would seem so."

Before they could continue discussing the situation at hand, Shuri jumped in, giving her friend and soon-to-be sister-in-law a hug. "Oh I'm so excited! I have started arranging everything for the wedding - there will of course be a mix of Wakandan and Sokovian traditions."

Kalyna chuckled. "You know the wedding is still not scheduled for months?"

"Oh I know! But best to start planning everything now!"

"Looks like we have this war to face first, however. How is the army looking?"

"We have the Dora Milaje, M'Baku and the Jabari, the Sokovian forces, half of the Avengers, and the Tribes," T'Challa told her.

"All the Tribes?" He nodded. "Including the Border Tribe?" She regarded him quizzically. "The same Border Tribe who sided with Killmonger?" Silence followed her question. "Good thing I brought my armed forces, then."

Niyah and Felix began giving orders to the Sokovian soldiers in Russian while the Dora assisted them. The three royals headed into the city where they were greeted by Agent Romanoff and an unfamiliar woman, only who also looked familiar in that she resembled Kalyna.

"King T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Queen Kalyna," Natasha greeted. "Looks like we beat Cap and the others."

"Agent Romanoff." T'Challa nodded. "They are set to arrive shortly," he informed her.

"You found another one, Agent?" questioned Kalyna.

"This is Agent Shostakov, an old ally," Nat introduced the familiar-unfamiliar woman who was eyeing her royal doppelgänger.

"Aliens, look-alikes - it would seem we have a lot to figure out before the wedding," Kalyna remarked. She nodded to the two Russian women. "Здравствуйте."

Cap and the other Avengers joined them a few hours later. The group went to join them once they arrived.

"You know, My King, when you said you were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined," Okoye told T'Challa.

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