Nine - An Old Acquaintance

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Knowhere - Space

Knowhere - Space

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"This place looks deserted," noted Peter as their ship sailed into Knowhere. The usually bustling, colourful planet was now dark and eerily quiet.

"Maybe everyone evacuated after hearing what's been happening," suggested Envy.

"Good plan. However, I figure a certain collector won't be abandoning his precious goods," Quill remarked.

"Let's hope not."

"Tivan isn't foolish enough to leave the Reality Stone unattended, even if he's aware of what's been happening with the Stones," said Gamora. "It's too valuable."

Peter looked at her, trying to meet her gaze. After her story about Adonia - Thanos's girlfriend, which he was still trying to process - her words carried a different weight now, but only he knew.

He landed the ship right outside the Collector's, well, collection. It was dark in there too, but seemingly alright.

"Stay close," he whispered. "I have a strange feeling about this..." Everyone kept their weapons close and at the ready as they entered the vast exhibition hall.

"Tivan?" called Gamora as they pressed further and further into the vast collection and were not stopped, or encountered anything or anyone. "Tivan?" They continued to weave through the various displays.

Suddenly, a shadow moved up ahead, jumping out in front of them. In turn, they all jumped back into a fighting stance. But it was only the tall, cloaked figure of Taneleer Tivan, the Collector himself.

"Oh, oh Guardians, it's you." He straightened his posture, fixing the fur cloak around his neck. His white hair suck up at odd angles and his eyes, already dark, had equally dark, heavy bags beneath them.

"Tivan, you look awful," noted Gamora.

"Well, I could look worse, let me tell you! 'Awful', humf! Now, I'm sorry to turn you away, friends, but we are closed." He turned and began stalking back into his collection.

"We're not here to buy, sell, or trade, Tivan."

"Well then you've come to the wrong place."

"We're here to warn you."

"Warn me?"

"Thanos is coming."

He appeared to smirk. "Your father." Gamora's jaw tightened. "And why does this concern me?"

"Dude, come on, you must have heard," stepped in Peter.

"Because he's after all the Infinity Stones, and you have one. You almost had two, which we nearly gave you," Gamora reminded him.

"Yeah, thank God we didn't do that," added Peter.

"Hmmm..." Tivan still did not seem phased. If anything, he appeared slightly amused, though no one could understand why he would be in this situation. "So it has begun," he added, almost to himself.

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