Seven - The Road to Knowhere

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"Hey Gamora, do you know if these grenades are the blow-your-junk off kind, or the gas kind? Cause I was thinking of hanging a couple on my belt right here." Peter tapped his belt.

"Peter, if I know something, and I haven't shared it with the team, does that make me a liar?" Gamora questioned. She continued to stare at the floor, as if in deep thought.

Peter was caught off guard by her question . "Figuratively speaking or actually, literally speaking?"

"Peter, I haven't told anyone else this, no one else knows."


"But I'm going to tell you."


"Because I trust you." Now she met his eyes.

"Okay... Aw, I trust you too."

"It's about my mother." She suddenly averted her gaze again.

Ah, that explained her seriousness. "Oh. Yeah, I'd like to hear about her." Gamora knew all about his mother, he happy to ramble on for hours about Meredith Quill, but Gamora had always been more quiet on the topic of family, understandably. Both were sensitive on the subject, but both had different ways of dealing with and expressing it.

"She trained me, you know. Everything I know about combat is from her."

There was no mistaking the confusion that furrowed Peter's brow. "I thought Thanos killed her," he said gently.

"He did, my actual mother. No, this was the woman who raised me after that. He always insisted that I call her 'Mother', but she hated it, at least at first. It's confusing, I know."

"Oh. I didn't know you had someone else raising you."

"We did, for a while. Nebula and I got really attached to her." A small smile found its way onto Gamora's lips. "She didn't play favourites like Thanos, so when we lost her..." She trailed off, and the smile, small as it had been, fell. "Well, that was the start of me and Nebula's strained relationship."

Peter was awfully curious now. If she hadn't told anyone else about this, it was a lot to bottle up and keep to herself. "Who was she? Was she stolen too?" That would make sense why Gamora had grown so attached, shared experience.

"No, no she was there willingly."

"Oh. Like one of his followers?"

"Not exactly. She was-" What was the best way to word this? "If I tell you, will you promise not to freak out?"

"Why would I freak out?"

"She and Thanos were together..." Peter was nodding, though it hadn't clicked yet. "Together - romantically..."

That did it. "Thanos had a girlfriend?!"

"SHHH!" Gamora shushed him. "I told you not to freak out!"

"How could I not freak out?!"

"Will you at least let me finish and then you can freak out?" He nodded. "Her name is Adonia, Lady Infinity. She holds a special connection to the Infinity Stones, she's their keeper and holds their power. The power of the Stones is hers."

"I'm starting to see a connection here."

She nodded. "If he brings her back then they'll be unstoppable, the most formidable force the entire universe has ever known."


"I think he has another goal, one besides collecting the Stones to balance the universe. I think he's trying to bring her back."

"What happened to her?" he asked.

"We don't know. All we know is that someone must have snuck aboard the ship and cut the stones from her, breaking the connection. She needs them to survive, and they need her to survive. She's not exactly dead, or at least until all the Stones are back together, all six."

"Which is why Thanos wants them so bad," Peter concluded. She nodded. "Well, bringing his formidable girlfriend back from the dead so they can take out the universe - awesome. I thought he was bad enough on his own."


"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to get my head around this! The fact that Thanos has a girlfriend!"

Gamora sighed and rolled her eyes. Real subtle, Peter. As always.

"What was she like? You said you got really attached to her."

"She was different than him."

"Good or bad different?"

"Good - I think. I've been thinking about it a lot. Like I said, she didn't play favourites. And she didn't seem so fully invested in the balance, at least not by the time I arrived."

"So did they like, like-like each other?" Peter was still grappling with this - who would date Thanos?

"I think so. He called her 'his great love' and 'the fiercest woman in the universe'.

Peter gave a low whistle. "That's - affectionate... That's quite the reputation to uphold."

"And uphold it she did. He wasn't the first to call her the fiercest, and not the last." She sighed. "I wish Nebula were here, she's the only one who loved her and knew her like I did. There's been nothing from her?"

"Nothing." Peter shook his head. Gamora's expression held obvious worry for her sister. "But what about Envy? She didn't have her?"

"No, she was 'adopted' after we lost Adonia. She never had that mother figure like we did, even for as little as we had her for." Gamora sighed. "Speaking of Envy, there's something else," she continued, serious. "Envy and Sigyn, they were talking about look-alikes right? Well they look like her."

"Like her, her? Thanos's girlfriend her?"

"Yes. Not exactly, like hair colour and those details, but height, build, facial features. But I don't know why, don't know what it means. And it sounds like there's more of them out there, these look-alikes. And it's all happening at once, the Stones, Thanos hunting for them, the look-alikes, everything coming together - it can't be coincidence."


Gamora nodded. "Please, don't tell anyone. Not until we've figured this out more."

"Hey, your secret's safe with me."

She smiled up a him a little. "Thank you. And thank you for listening."

"Anytime. Thanks for sharing with me." They shared a smile. Then he turned thoughtful. "But, if she cared so much about you guys, do you really think she'll side with Thanos?"

Gamora gave a little shrug. "She was always committed to his cause. She had her reservations, of course, but she was there at his side through it all. Besides, if he gets control of the Stones and their power, I don't think she'll have much choice."

(Yay, finally we're getting somewhere with all this ;) It's all piecing together, slowly but surely!

I've heard of the ship name Starmora for Peter and Gamora and I love it, so cute! :D Thank you so much for reading and the 400+ reads! Hope you enjoyed! :) (we'll catch up with Cap's side of the story in the next chapter!)

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