Three - More Aliens in New York

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New York City - Earth

New York City - Earth

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"Hey Doc! You might want to put that Time Stone thing in your back pocket!" Tony began giving evacuation orders to FRIDAY as he went the opposite way of where everyone was fleeing from, searching for the source of all the commotion.

"Might want to use it!" Stephen cast a spell, intricate symbols appearing at his fingertips.

Up ahead and around the corner they came across the source, the big source: a giant, round spaceship was slowly descending to the streets.

With a wave of his hands Stephen sent the debris and dust flying up from the ship back towards it, sending Tony a wink who rolled his eyes.

"I really like this guy," remarked Kass.

A beam of light shot down from the ship, two alien figures descending down, one big and hulking, the other slender and tall, but both very sinister. The group cautiously approached the invaders. Everyone who had been on the street had fled, now leaving it a chaotic deserted.

"What is it with aliens and New York?" Tony muttered.

"Those are a couple of Thanos's minions," Bruce informed them.

"Earthlings, hear me and rejoice," the tall, skinny alien standing at the front announced. The tall, menacing creature beside him growled and swung the massive club in his hands as if for emphasis. "Your meaningless lives will soon be ended by the Children of Thanos-"

"He's got kids?" asked Tony.

"-Be thankful that you are now contributing to the-"

"Uh, I'm sorry," Tony broke into his monologue. "But Earth is closed today! You'd better pack it up and get out of here."

"Stonekeeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" now the alien addressed Stephen.

"Definitely not I speak for myself." He turned to Kat. "So much for our date."

"Yeah." The two cast a spell. "Time to live up to our oath."

"There will be no trespassing on this planet," called Stephen.

"It means get lost, Squidward!" put in Tony.

"They exhaust me. Get the Stone," the slender alien said to his hulking companion, the latter of which growled and drove the giant club in his hand into the ground, smashing the concrete. Then he began approaching, using the club to bash cars out of the way and it became clear that they were the intended end target of that club.

"Hey Banner, you want a piece?" said Tony.

"Not really, no, but when do I ever get what I want?"

"That's it. You're up."

"Okay..." Bruce clapped his hands together and started to shift. His face turned green for a few moments, but then faded. He was obviously struggling.

"It's been a while. It'll be good to have you buddy," Tony encouraged.


"Anytime now, Bro."

"Yeah just, shh, I just need to concentrate here for a second..."

The alien was getting closer, still smashing away cars with his club.

"Where's your guy?" asked Tony.

"Yeah, I know, I'm trying, it's just Hulk and I seem to be having a thing lately."

"A thing? No, there's no time for a thing. That's a thing right there," Tony cried, pointing to the giant creature approaching them. "So come on, let's go."

Bruce let out a groan and tried to shift again. Half his face turned green.

"We don't have time for this!" hissed Kat over Banner's groaning. "That looks painful."

"It is!"

"It's painful to watch,"  said Kass.

Bruce tried again, but to no avail. He still remained un-shifted.

Tony sighed. "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards."

"I'm sorry, I'm trying!"

"Well try harder!"

"I'm trying!"

"Okay fine. It's okay, it's fine, just stand down." He patted Bruce's shoulder. "Take care of him, please," he said to Wong. He stepped forward. 

"Monsters in the closet," sighed Kass.

"Yeah," he agreed. He tapped his arc reactor, and his sleek new suit gathered all across his body.

The creature was directly before them now, and threw a swing with his club. Tony sent a blast from his fist, knocking the creature back.

"Where did that come from?!" cried Kass.

"It's nanotech, you like it?"

"Very fancy, Stark. You might want to use it!" called Kat.

"Yeah, almost as fancy as your magic."

"Well, you're not the only one who came prepared-" Kass rolled up her sleeves, revealing her high-tech gloves and gauntlets, now also battle-ready. 

As Tony turned back to the aliens, Stephen turned to Bruce. "Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us-" He made a circular motion in the air with his hand and swallowed Bruce up in a portal, sending him away from the fight before turning back to it himself. Time to live up to their oath.

"You've got to get that Time Stone out of here, now," called Tony.

"It's stays with me," Stephen insisted.

"Yeah, exactly. Bye!" With that, Stark flew off, scooping up Kass and taking her with him.

"Did he just-" cried Kat.


However, Stark's leave may not have been as selfish as they had first thought, for the larger alien with the club went after him, leaving the Master's to face the skinny alien, who seemed to have telepathic power.

The Masters blocked what he threw at them with their spells. When they sent something back and it struck him, the alien gave a growl and threw Wong down the street.

"Wong!" Kat rushed to help him while Stephen took on the alien. When she came back she found the alien had knocked Stephen unconscious and was taking him back up to the ship.

"I told you your powers are nothing compared to mine," she caught the alien sneering at Stephen's unconscious form.

"We'll see about that," she mumbled. Silently casting a quick spell, she was taken under it and made invisible, the alien unaware that she was now following them aboard the ship.

Meanwhile, over in Central Park, Tony, Kass, Bruce, and Wong continued the fight with the larger alien. The monster was relentless, even though they weren't the ones with the Stone.

Tony was currently taking on the alien. The creature swung it's club - but it was stopped before it hit him.

"Hey Mr. Stark!"

(Yes, love that moment from Stephen in the gif! ;) so cool! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) Next up, the Guardians!)

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