Seventeen - Aftermath

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Wakanda - Earth

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"What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" But Thanos vanished. In a flash of blue light, the Space Stone carried the wounded Titan away, leaving everyone equally uncertain and uneasy about what had just happened.

The next few tense moments crawled by, time seeming to have slowed, or stopped altogether. They were long, agonizing moments full of fearful waiting to see what would happen.

Everyone was reconvening when disaster struck.

"Steve-" The gun fell from Bucky's hand as his hand faded away, followed by his arm, and the rest of his body. He had vanished, right in front of them.


Karen was helping Sam to his feet, when suddenly, his weight that she was supporting fell away, and he vanished too.

"My Love." T'Challa was helping Kalyna to her feet. "Up," he urged. Next he reached out to Okoye, also to help her. "Up, General, up. This is no place to die-" He was cut off as he faded away too, both women he had been supporting stumbling, caught off-guard by what had just happened.

All around them, people on the battle field were disappearing without a trace, simply vanishing, without warning. And there seemed to be no pattern, but instead random.

Steve collapsed to the ground next to Vision's lifeless, colourless body where just moments ago Wanda had sat. "My God."

They barely had a moment to absorb what had happened, what was happening, when, all at once, Karen, Kalyna, and Sascha all collapsed, at the same time, just falling to the ground with no warning, not fading away like the others.

No one said anything. No one had anything to say. It was becoming frighteningly clear though.

They had failed their mission.

Thanos had won, and they had lost.


Back on Titan, the group was recovering, also all trying to absorb Stephen's actions and what that meant now, for them, and everything.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Kass asked as Tony sealed up his stab wound.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She helped him to his feet. "You?"

"Yeah, okay."

Kat wouldn't look at Stephen. "You've doomed us all."

"Kat, trust me. Please." He remained strangely calm.

"I did trust you."

"Why did you do that?" Tony asked Stephen. "You said you wouldn't hesitate to let any of us die if it meant protecting the Stone."

Into Infinity - Avengers: Infinity War (Thanos Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now