Ten - Reality Remade

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Knowhere - Space

Knowhere - Space

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"Gamora." At first, Gamora thought all was dark when her heavy eyelids stretched open. However, while there was mostly darkness and shadow, in the distance and around the corners of her vision, there was dim light.

"Gamora." There came the soft whisper of her name again, by Peter's distinctly recognizable voice. Immediately she was filled with comfort where at first she had been struck with panic.

"Sister." Envy and Peter were waving her over to a shadowy area behind a few tall display cases, where the group had huddled. "He's here."

From there they watched the scene unfold.

"I don't have it-" The Collector's strangled cry came from up ahead. "What makes you think I would have it?"

"You were always a man after the most ancient, powerful relics. Everyone in the galaxy knows you'd sell your own brother if it would add the slightest trinket to your pathetic collection. Adonia knew it. And let's just say I like to keep tabs on her ex-boyfriends."

Peter made a face and looked at Gamora. "I thought you said they were friends!" he whisper-hissed.

Gamora was just as shocked. Adonia had never spoken much of a past love-life to Gamora, and of course, had been with Thanos when Gamora had met her. "That's what she always told me. She never said they were anything more."

"She's got an interesting taste in men, I'll say that." Peter nodded and the group inched forward.

Tivan was still trying to cover for himself. "Well she always loved my collection. She always said it impressed her, and that it took a lot to-"

"-A lot to impress her, yes. She said the same to me, but about me, not something I owned."

Peter held up a fist, a signal to the others to stop and wait. Everyone passed by him though, ignoring what he thought to be an obvious signal. He'd have to go over hand signals and gestures with the team later.

"If anyone is going to be bringing her back, it will be me. I know you have the Reality Stone, Tivan. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering." Thanos stepped on Tivan's chest.

"Liar," mumbled Gamora.

"I told you, I sold it. Why would I lie?"

"I imagine it's like breathing for you."

Tivan smiled maliciously. "Like suicide."

Thanos smiled. "So you do understand." The Titan shook his head. "Not even you would surrender something so precious."

"I didn't know what it was!" claimed Tivan. "The Stone itself, yes, but the aether - how was I to know it contained the Stone?!"

"Then you're even more of a fool than I took you for. I will never understand what Adonia saw in you, or why she trusted you so much.."

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