One - Destiny Arrives

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel - we are under assault - this is not a war ship ... Requesting aid immediately..."

The distress call crackled and then faded completely, absorbed by space.

The deck of the ship was littered with the dead, people saved from the doom of Ragnarok, only to meet their end at the hands of:

"Here me and rejoice, as you meet your death at the hands of Thanos. You may think this is suffering, but no, this is salvation..." One of the Titan's minions, a tall, slim figure with wrinkled grey skin, wandered amongst the bodies, stepping over them as if they were merely something small in his path.

"I know what it's like to lose..." The Mad Titan himself, the towering figure at the front of the ship declared. "I have suffered many losses in my long lifetime..."

Sigyn didn't know if he was speaking solely to Loki or them all as a whole.

Thanos continued, turning to face them and striding forward. "I know what it's like to feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail all the same-" His eyes fell on her and he suddenly broke his monologue. Sigyn didn't like his pressing gaze on her, especially not the recognition that flashed for a moment in his dark eyes. He quickly regained composure however, and continued. "Destiny still arrives, always. And now it's here. Or, should I say, I am..." He effortlessly picked up one of the bodies with one hand. Sigyn's heart leapt - Thor! He looked awful, barely clinging to life himself.

She couldn't help but tremble with fear under the hulking Titan's gaze - she could feel the power of his follower's spear at her back, a warning to her of what would be waiting were she to try anything. She turned to Loki, who was giving her a sympathetic yet hopeful look. He was surrounded by the other two members of Thanos's Black Order - having failed Thanos last time, they were sure to keep an eye on him this time. That, and he was the God of Mischief of course. And thank the gods for that.

She knew it hadn't been just Loki to have done all he had. His betrayal of Asgard had all been under torture and control of this group, while fueled by the betrayal he felt from his own family after learning he was, in fact, adopted. He had showed her his memories the other night, allowed her a glimpse of what he had suffered. She wanted to kill this Thanos for what he had done to him.

Loki reached out to lace his fingers comfortingly with her own, only to have them both wrenched further apart by their captors.

"How sweet," mocked the lone female follower guarding Sigyn, hissing in her ear with her gravelly voice. The tall one with a hood and his face long and skull-like holding his spear to Loki chuckled.

"We don't have the Tesseract," Thor choked out from where he hung limply from the Titan's grasp, blood splattering from his lips. "It was destroyed on Asgard."

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