Six - Save the Wizard!

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New York City - Earth

New York City - Earth

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"Incoming call from Ms. Konstantin, Boss," said FRIDAY.

"Tony! Oh my God!"

"Honey, where are you?"

"The observation deck of Stark Tower.  Where are you? You'd better not be on that ship-"

"Um, about that..."

"Jesus, Tony, you get back here right now. I swear to God-" Her voice began to crackle.

"We're losing her," said FRIDAY.  "I-I'm going too..." The call cut off. 

"Tony? Tony can you hear me? Damn it." The line was dead. The round ship was still just in sight, with Tony on board.  "FRIDAY, get me up there, as fast as you can."

"On it, Ms. Konstantin-" Friday summoned a suit from the Avengers Facility. Kass leapt off the observation deck - thankfully she was already above ground-level, closer to the ship - and the suit caught her, instantly shooting upwards into the sky after the ship.

It was just within reach when the suit started failing.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, we're so close - FRIDAY!"

"You're too high in the atmosphere, the suit's not built for that-"

"Oh shit-" The suit began to descend, when suddenly, she was caught by something-

Some sticky webbing.


"Hey Ms. Konstantin!"

"Where did you come from?"

"Field trip to the M.O.M.A."



Kat watched from above the skinny alien fellow with the captured Stephen. By the looks of it, he was about to be tortured.

Sharing a nod with Cloak who floated beside her, she was just raising her hand to cast a spell when someone caught her wrist in an iron grip.

She spun around, ready to blast whoever it was with a spell, only to find a tall, red and gold metal suit. Iron grip indeed. "Stark. What are you doing here?"

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