Thirteen: No More Pop Culture References

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Titan - Space

Titan - Space

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"I think we're here," announced Stephen.

"I think we're crash landing," added Tony. "Everyone hold on! We're about to make impact - incoming!"

He and Peter did their best to steer the ship and ensure a - relatively - safe landing for the four passengers. Stephen and Kat cast shields around the inner part of the ship to hopefully help ensure this.

"Nicely done, boys," Kat stated as the ship crashed to the ground, taking out some old structures, and becoming damaged itself.

"Very - homey," Stark said, glancing around at the abandoned landscape that was nothing but ruins.

Peter lowered down from a web string on the ceiling. "Uh, I just want to say that if something ends up implanting its eggs in my chest and laying eggs in me and I end up eating one of you, I'm sorry."

"I do not want another, single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip, you understand me?" Tony told him.

"I'm trying to say something's coming-"

Before they could digest his warning let alone heed it, an explosion stunned them and blasted them back. The five went flying in opposite directions.

"THANOS!" A group of aliens appeared, one throwing daggers. Cloak immediately left Stephen's shoulders and wrapped around the man. Tony went over and raised his hand, ready to blast him.

"Ah! Please don't lay your eggs in me!" yelped Peter.

"Stay down, clowns!" One of the newcomers held a gun to Peter's head. When he removed his helmet, the group saw that he was also human. "Everyone stay where you are!" he ordered. "Chill the F out! Okay, I'm going to ask you this one time: who are you?"

"Okay, I'm going to ask you this one time: who are you?" shot back Tony.

"Where is Gamora?" the man demanded.

"Okay, here, I'll do you one better: who is Gamora?"

"I'll do you one better!" cried the man Tony was threatening. "Why is Gamora?"

"Tell me where she is or this one's a gonner!" The man pressed his gun closer to Peter's head so that it now rested against his temple.

"Fine, you shoot my guy and I'll blast yours!" Stark shot back the threat.

"Mr. Stark!" cried Peter, alarmed.

A gun formed on Stark's arm. "Do it, Quill! I can take it," the man he was threatening said.

"No! He can't take it!" cried a woman in green.

"She's right, he can't. Let me ask you this one time," interjected Stephen. "What master do you serve?"

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