Five - Split Up!

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A relationship rekindled, only to be broken again. Perhaps that was their legacy.

Sigyn pressed her lips together to try and stifle a sob. When that failed, she buried her face in her hands and gave in, Thor taking her weeping figure into his arms. "Every time we just get him back he's snatched away from us again."

"Come, meet my new friends," Thor soothed. "This is Rabbit and Tree, Mantis, Drax. Quall, was it?"

Quill glowered. "It's Quill, Peter Quill. Star-Lord. And this is the Milano and I'm it's Captain-"

"And this is Gamora and Envy," Thor finished.

"Daughters of Thanos."


"Daughters - of Thanos?" A look of pure disgust crossed Sigyn's face and she withdrew her daggers, prepared to charge.

Luckily, Thor jumped in front of her. "No! They're adopted, they escaped from him. They're just as much his victims as we are."

The rage fell from her face and she lowered her weapons. "Oh - f-forgive me..." Though she still seemed a little wary of the sisters. That and she was still startled from suddenly waking up here.

"It's okay, it wouldn't be the first time," Gamora assured her.

"Yeah, we've been over this already, you were still asleep," Quill told her.

"We are terribly sorry for your loss," Envy sympathized.

Sigyn looked at her, really looked at her, without the filter of rage. "Oh, no," she mumbled, gripping Thor's arm. "Not another one."

"This has happened before?" the orange-skinned woman asked, after exchanging a glance with her sister.

"It would be one thing if we knew what it meant," Sigyn continued to Thor. "But we don't."

At this, Gamora turned away.

"This, look-alike?" Envy pressed. "You know something?"

"Yes." Sigyn nodded. "Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of someone?" Envy nodded. "Do they ever tell you who it is you remind them of?"

The other woman shook her head. "No, no just that I remind them of someone-"

"-Someone they used to know." The two finished together.

There was silence.

"Well, for me it's usually people who are trying to hunt me down and kill me."

"Oh." Now Sigyn and Thor exchanged a glance. "Why?"

Envy shrugged. "I don't know. I always just assumed it was because I am a daughter of Thanos."

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