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"Baby, Jimin was talking to me yesterday and..." Namjoon pauses. "...he told me that Kim Taehyung came out on the media."

Jin looks up at Namjoon as he was cooking breakfast.

"Yeah I've heard about that. Taehyung and I use to be best friends. I don't know why you're telling me this. I honestly hate him now." Jin admits.

"I know what he did was wrong, but it's 2018 now. It's a new year, and a new you." Namjoon smiles as he kisses Jin on his cheek.

"Yeah I guess, but he shouldn't betray his friends. Is he going to Yoongi's party?" Jin asks as he flips over an omelet.

"I have no idea, I barely talk to him. Yoongi has his Snapchat though." Namjoon says.

"Well maybe you should ask him for it." Jin suggests.

"I've been thinking, maybe we should come out too." Namjoon says.

"The omelets are done!" Jin says proudly as he walks over to the table.

"Baby please don't ignore me, I'm serious about this. Jeon Jungkook came out on national television." Namjoon whines.

Jin turns to Namjoon.

"Joonie I love you. I really don't want to mess things up for our relationship, and especially our careers." Jin admits.

"Can we talk about this during breakfast then?" Namjoon asks.

"Honey, the conversation was over." Jin says as he sets the table.

"I want people to know I'm gay. I'm tired of hiding in the closet. I'm ready now." Namjoon confesses.

"Just because Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook came out, doesn't mean the whole damn world should too. Somethings should just be kept a secret." Jin says.

Namjoon sighs.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start anything." Namjoon says.

"Be quiet baby, and eat." Jin commands as he pulls out his boyfriend's chair.

"Okay." Namjoon says as he takes a bite out if his omelet.

It was awkward silence.

Jin stares at his boyfriend.

"Marriage." Jin says.

Namjoon chokes off of his omelet.

"What?" Namjoon says.

"We're not coming out unless we're planning to marry." Jin says.


"Ellie!" Hoseok yells as he comes out of the bathroom.

"Yes!" Ellie yelled back, not taking her eyes away from the television.

"Can I use some of your shampoo?" Hoseok asked as he tilted his head and stuck out his tongue.

Ellie finally looked  up at Hoseok, who was dripping wet.

"Uh, for what?" Ellie asked blankly.

"I was taking a shower and I realized I didn't have anymore. Can I use yours?" Hoseok questioned.

"Yeah, sure whatever. Just make sure you use a decent amount. I don't want you using the whole bottle." Ellie rolled her eyes as she stared back at the television.

A/N: Introducing new relationships. I feel this story is going too slow so I'll get to the point.

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