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Hoseok and the others had finished eating. Jin didn't bothering eating anything that Ellie had cooked so he skipped out on the food and moved in to dessert.

"This red velvet cake is delicious. Who made it?" Mark asked as he stabbed his fork into his thick slice of cake he had been anxious to eat.

"I made it, but my wife decorated it from top to bottom. Isn't it impressive?" Hoseok held his wife's hand as the others stared at the both of them from the opposite side of the room. Jin placed his fork and plate down on the glass table, now leaving it untouched.

"When should we leave?" Jin crossed his arms across his chest and crossed his left leg over the other.

"Maybe Jackson and I should get going soon. We have have something to do in an hour." Mark proclaimed as he grabbed his lover's hand and shoved the last piece of cake down his throat.

They'd been there for a while now and Mark couldn't be in one place for long, until he'd get bored of it and want to go home. Luckily his boyfriend lived with him which meant he was never lonely, nor bored.

"Ah, well I guess we'll see you two some other time, yes?" Hoseok asked as he got up to hug the two.

"We'll see. Only if Mark says so." Jackson told as he gave Hoseok and his wife a hug goodbye. Jungkook and Taehyung continued to sit on the couch not knowing if they should hug them as well. They didn't know them at all and wasn't sure if they were even friends.


The plane ride was tiring which made Jimin want to drift off to a thing called Dreamland. Jimin and Yoongi were side by side listening to music and reading fanfictions together. It was peaceful and that's just how they liked it.

"Excuse me!" A lady randomly shouted more like panicked as she tapped Jimin on he should and he jumped up in shock as he have the woman his attention.

"Yes, what is it?" Jimin asked in a soft voice as Yoongi stared up at the stranger as he spoke up.

"Is there something wrong? You're the flight attendant are you?" Yoongi asked, his eyes glistering from the brightness of his laptop.

"I'm - um sorry, but we're going to have to make an emergency landing Mr. Min." The flight attendant stated which made Yoongi more aware if his surroundings.

"Wait why? Where is Namjoon?" Yoongi questioned, wanting the woman to tell him as soon as possible. He wasn't quite aware of how long Namjoon was actually gone.

"He collapsed in the bathroom a couple of minutes ago. We don't really know what happened. We asked and he didn't respond. There's a doctor on flight, but I don't know -"

"Namjoon did what?" Yoongi didn't wait or an answer this time, instead, he pushed the woman out of the way trying to find Namjoon. Luckily he wasn't too far away from where they were.

He and two other men were in presence touching and trying their best to communicate with Namjoon, but he was still unresponsive.

This has got to be my fault.


Jin laughed as he Jungkook, and Taehyung talked about each other's modeling skills. Jin knew for sure that he was the best looking human male model in South Korea, the world possibly.

"Y'know, you and I should do a photoshoot together sometime. Maybe all three of us should do one, even though Jungkook isn't a model." Taehyung suggested as he and Jungkook's hands latched onto each other

Just like any other couple would do.

"Sounds like a plan. Then we'll see who's really model material. Coughs, me." Jin giggled as he checked his phone, expecting a notification from his fiancé.

Sadly he didn't receive one, but he wasn't sad, neither was he mad at Namjoon. He knew he was busy and in his way home is a couple of hours.

"Have you two ever tried Peppermint tea?" The elder asked the dongsaengs as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

Taehyung and Jungkook both shook their head no which Jin assumed. "You two can stop by my house and we can all have some together. I use to make Namjoon peppermint tea after his surgery and even when he was sick. He seemed to enjoy it, I wondered if maybe you two would want to try it."

The two smiled, indicating they they would like to. "I made Taehyung homemade chicken and dumpling soup when he had a cold. Would you teach me to make Peppermint tea?"

"Of course I would. As soon as you two drop me off at home." Jin told as he pulled his phone back out of his pocket to check the time.

8:44 PM

It should be morning in L.A.

Jin sighed as he stepped out of Jungkook's car. "Thank you two for the ride. Now how about I teach you two how to make pep-" Jin was interrupted as his phone chimed in his pocket.

Maybe it's finally Namjoon!

Jin quickly answered his phone as he unlocked his front door. "Hello? Namjoon, I had been waiting on you to call all day. When are you arriving?"

"Jin hyung, this is Yoongi. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

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