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Suga.the.rapper🖕 replied to your story
Marriage is a very serious thing and some people take it for granted
Wait are you planning to marry?

I know it's serious
Yes I am...pretty soon

So are you bringing your fiancé to my party this Friday?

Of course, if you let me
I hope you two get along...

Well tell them to come
I'm looking forward to meeting her
Opened just now


"Shit!" Namjoon shouts as he slaps himself in the face. "Ow!"

He needed to tell Yoongi that his fiancé wasn't a girl. He didn't want Yoongi to hate him, but then he thought about it.

Was Kim Taehyung invited to the party? He's gay.

"Fuck! Yoongi has never talked about having gay friends. How would he feel if he knew I was gay? Would he accept me? Would he still respect me? Would he come to the wedding?" Namjoon bit his lip through frustration.

He needed to know.

-knock knock-

Namjoon had knocked on his fiancé's door. Him and Jin didn't sleep together. They were in two different rooms, and two different beds.

Jin didn't even want to sleep in the same bed as Namjoon until they got married, he wanted their wedding night to be special.

"Jinnie~" Namjoon says softly as he slowly opens the door, trying carefully not to wake his boyfriend up.

Luckily, Jin was still fast asleep, tucked into his queen-sized bed.

Jin was Namjoon's queen.

Namjoon walks on the side of Jin's bed and stares at his existence. He loved Jin with all his heart. Just by staring at him, he would daydream about their future.

He'd stay awake all night, just watch his baby sleep.

It let him know that Jin was safe since he wasn't allowed to sleep with him yet. But when he does, he wants to hold him in his arms forever.


"Do you think Jungkook and Taehyung are a cute couple?" Jimin asks as he lies on his boyfriend's chest watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas with Korean subtitles.

"Define cute." Yoongi says blankly. Yoongi never used the word "cute" in a sentence. He thought it was too girly.

"Cute as in puppy love cute." Jimin grins as he looks up at Yoongi.

"I like puppies and they're cute, but guess what." Yoongi says as he sits himself up in their comfortable bed.

"What Yoongi Bear?" Jimin asks as he gives Yoongi the sweetest kiss.

"You're cuter. You're voice is cute. Are you an angel?" Yoongi asks seriously. Yoongi legitimately thought that his boyfriend was a pure angel from heaven.

"Yes I'm an angel who's only fallen for you. Now I've fallen on top of you." Jimin says as he pins Yoongi to the bed.

"Woah what are you doing? I'm top, you're supposed to be my pure little angel." Yoongi smiles as Jimin's soft pinkish lips kissed his.

"Daddy punish me." Jimin commands as he stares deep into Yoongi's brown eyes.


Taehyung was sitting in front of the front door the entire time. He was waiting for Jungkook to come back for the watch he'd left behind.

He missed Jungkook, a lot.

Taehyung stared at his phone waiting for Jungkook to text first. He didn't want to sound desperate. He wanted to give him time, but he was too impatient.

Please text me. I just want to know if you're okay. Why did you have to leave so fast? Come back please. Why am I being so selfish?

Taehyung closed his eyes to try to forget about Jungkook for at least a second. Jungkook was literally all he could think about. He held his watch in his hands and fiddled with it.

Fuck it.


I know you still need time to think about everything that's happened
I just want to apologize for dating Lee Joon
I saw how much it hurt you...I just wish you could forgive me😔


Taehyung locked his phone and closed his eyes again. He didn't see darkness this time, he saw... Jungkook.

"Fuck! What am I going to do!" Taehyung says as he pulls his hair from frustration.

Taehyung could hear moaning and groaning coming from Jimin and Yoongi's room.

He wanted that to be Jungkook and him one night.

Was he a pervert? Yes, but only for Jungkook.

Jungkook had taken away his innocence. Not Lee Joon.

He knew it was weird to think sexual thoughts about his ex boyfriend, but he couldn't help it.

For some odd reason he wanted to sit outside of Jimin and Yoongi's bedroom door just to hear them fuck. He didn't know why. He just wanted to close this eyes and imagine it be him and Jungkook.

"Fuck, Jungkook~" Taehyung moans.

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