Another You (An Austin Carlile Love Story)

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Okay guys, what's up?! So this is my  first story here and honestly, I'm super nervous on how this will turn out. Please don't judge :c Anywho, on the sidebar there is a picture of how I image Camila to look like. She's got red hair, pierced nose, yadda yadda. I'm sure by now some other stories include the same described girl and stuff. But I actually like those types of girl cause I'm obessed in dying my hair red. But anywho, I really hope you guys enjoy this story and of course, let me know what you guys think! I would really love some feedback! :) <3 

By the way, I do not own Of Mice and Men, or any other bands included in this story. Not to mention the pictures or media on here. They are are from either google, tumblr, or youtube. And maybe some other possible sites I can't list at this moment! I only own the characters from the story and of course, the storyline. :) 

Let's get started! :D 


"Hey, I'm here to see Camila, I have a photoshoot with her today?" 

"Yea of course, Mandy right? See that red-headed girl over there?" Tyler pointed across the room. "Yea that's her." He said. "Camila! Your two o'clock appointment is here!" Tyler turned to Mandy smiling. "Go right ahead." 

"Thanks!" Mandy replied.

Camila's P.O.V:

As I was trying to set some light in the room, I heard Tyler screaming out my name. I quickly stopped and turned to see him across the place. 

"Your two o'clock appointment is here!" He replied. 

I turned amd smiled to the girl on his left side walking towards me. I took a few steps forward and extended my hand towards the girl. "Hey! I'm Camila!" I said cheerfully. 

"Yea hey, my name is Mandy!" She replied back. 

"Nice to meet you Mandy, are you ready to shoot some pictures?" 

"Yea of course!" Mandy replied excitedly. 

Walking to a room I extended my arm out to a open door. "Okkay well step in the make-up and dressing room and my crew will help you get ready for the phootshoot."  

"Thank you! " She replied. 

*45 Minutes Later* 

"Okkay Mandy, I need you to move a bit into your right and hold that guitar up right, like you're about to swing it." 

"Ugh, like this?" She said trying to put the guitar I gave her into position. 

"Yea perfect!" As I quickly snapped a pictured. Snapping more pictures of Mandy, I noticed the sun started to set and before you know it, it was starting to get dark outside. Soon the photoshoot came into an end.

Another You (An Austin Carlile Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now