Freakin' Me Out

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Picture Mandy points out on the sidebar c: Again, I do not own the pictures. Thanks! -J

Soon everyone started to gather around the computer to look at the photos. 

"OMG I love this one!" Mandy shouted pointing at the screen. 

Tyler and I stared at the picture she pointed out. "Yea, that's a keeper!" I replied. Her senior pictures came out amazing. After awhile I started to gather up my things to go home until my phone started buzzing. 

Katt: Meeeoowww <3 Ready for tomorrow?! 

Me: You bet your ass I am! <3 

Katt: OMG warped tour is gonna kick ass! :D 

Me: Indeed it is! Now who's your best friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD?? ;) 

Katt: Suck up much? 

Me: Say it, or you don't get to hangout backstage with meee ;) 

Katt: Oh hushh.. 

Me: SAY IT! >=] 

Katt: Grrrr. It's you -.- 

Me: Exactly! Haha! ;D 

Katt: I still can't believe you'll be leaving me for two months! :( 

Me: I know, I'm sorry </3 :( But hey at least I'll get to spend my last day here with you :) 

Katt: Yayy! <3 Listen, I gotta go. Douche Bag here is on to me about work -.- Ugh. Anywho, I'll talk to you later when I get home, alright? :) byeeee love you loserr <3

Me: Haha alrighty. Love you 2 bitchhh <3 

*Flashback 1 week ago* 

"Hey Camila, can I speak with you for a moment?" Tyler asked sticking his head out from his office. Just as I was putting away some edits from the computer and getting ready to leave, I glanced over at him. Eyeing him suspiciously, "Ahh yeaa sureee..." raising my eyebrow still staring at him. He let's out a chuckle, 

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" Still eyeing him, I let out a big sigh. 

"Ughh what do you want Ty?" 

"Just get your lttle perfect tush in here!" With that. he walked back into his office and I had no other choice but to follow him in there. As I walked in, I slowly closed the door beind me, letting out a big groan. 

"I'm just gonna go ahead and say no!" Tyler looked at me confused.

"No I did not put that bug into your coffee this morning."His face expression turned from confused to anger. Ohh I fucked up. 

"THERE WAS A WHAT IN MY COFFEE?!" He screamed out.

"I'm playing! I'm playing! Just a joke Ty, no need to scream and get alarmed!" I tried as hard as I could to make it seem like I wasn't lying. Ahh why must I be so bad at lying?! What you don't know, I actually put a bug in Tyler's coffee this morning as a prank. In my mind he was suppose to see it and freak out and laugh about it like a normal human being.But no, I guess he chugged that coffee down without noticing. I know, disgusting, right? Go figure. 

"Dude please tell me you are kidding cause you know how much I hate bugs!" 

"I am Tyler, chill!" 

"God thank you, I would have had a mini heart attack!"

I have never laughed so hard in my life at his comment, "God Tyler, you are too gay to function!"

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