Kissing In Cars

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Vic's P.O.V: 

I couldn't seem to sleep. Might of been mostly because of Jaime's snoring, or this rain. This damn rain. It would always remind me of her. Of that night, the morning after, . It was one of the best moments of my life. I had waken up next to the first face I see. In that moment, I knew I was truely in love with Cam. She was the only love I ever needed. 


"I'm afraid of ever losing you." I whispered as we were laying down after packing everything up. It had been already a week we spent here at the lake house and today we would leave to go home. We were suppose to only spend the weekend, but since the rest of the guys never showed up, we extended our stay. This past week has been so unreal. She held my hand as she started tangling her fingers with mine. 

"You won't, I promise." She whispered back as she smiled. There was complete silence for awhile as we both took in the amazing week. I couldn't help but to chuckle a bit. Cam turned to look at me with a confused smile. "What?" 

"I wonder how the guys are gonna take the news." I chuckled again. 

'Well it's not like we are getting married." She laughed. 

"Not yet." I smirked as looked into her eyes. She paused and gave me a serious, but shocked look. "Marry me, Cam." I whispered. 

"But we are so young." She whispered back. 

"Oh darling, there is no such thing as too young." I chuckled softy. "My future would be nothing without you, I love you." 

"I love you too, Vic." She smiled as I cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Whatever happens between us, we will always be together. No matter what, okkay? If we lose each other along the way, promise me we will always wait and be here for each other." I said as I looked into her eyes. 

"I promise." She laughed as she held out her pinky. "I pinky promise." 

*Flashback Over* 

I couldn't take Jaime's snoring anymore, so I decided to get out of my bunk to go out into the front lounge. I noticed Cam's bunk curtain was opened all the way revealing an empty bunk. Wonder where she could be? I walked towards the door to slowly open it, not wanting to wake up the rest of the guys. I was hit with the smell of coffee and noticed Cam sitting next to the window, looking out from it. She must of been really distracted because she didn't seem to hear me come in. I quietly poured myself a cup of coffee and stood next to her.

"Mind if I join you?" I said softly. She turned around startled and gave me a soft smile while she placed her cup to the side.

"Yea sure." She whispered. 


Camila's P.O.V: 

I watched as Vic slided in the seat in front of me. I turned to my side and stared out the window once more, making a complete silence. 

"You couldn't sleep?" I whispered softly, still staring out from the window. I turned my eyes on him a he shook his head. 

"Nah, I had about enough of Jaime's snoring." He laughed as he spoke. I could help but to giggle a bit. 

"Yea Jaime sure does snore alot. That's why I just plug in my earphones." I paused as caught him staring at me, then turning towards the window, staring off into the distance. 

"So... is your future still nothing without me?" I whispered in a low voice staring at my cup. I looked up and saw him gazing at my eyes in shocked, as if I've forgotten what he used to say to me. I stared back down to my cup as I kept messing around with it. "Because the way I see it, it's been amazing without me..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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