Up We Go

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Camila's P.O.V: 

Buzz. Buzzz. What is that noise? I can feel it, but why can't I open my eyes? Wake up Cam! Wake up, open your eyes! I opened my eyes and heard the sound of buzzing from under my arm. I couldn't seem to move as I felt a pair of warm arms around me holding me tight with their face buried onto my neck. 

"What the-" I whispered to myself as I looked around the bunk and noticed it wasn't the one I took at the PTV bus. I noticed the tattoos on the arm around my waist and nearly had a panic attack. Austin?! Holy shit Cam, what did you do?! I looked underneath the blanket to find out that I had different clothes on. Fuck, fuck, fuck Cam! Shit, you have to get out of here before he or anybody else wakes up to notice you! I carefully and slowly released myself out of Austin, almost getting him out of his sleep. I stood for a bit and saw him turn on his other side still asleep.

I took a deep breathe and looked for my stuff. I stood in front of the door to the back lounge and noticed it was closed. In order to get in, you had to punch in a code to open. Just my luck. "Fuck." I said to myself as I walked slowly past the bunks into the front lounge. I noticed Alan passed out on the couch with black smeared makeup all over his face. I couldn't help but to silently giggle at him. I slowly opened the door to get out and closed it behind me. I looked around as the sun nearly blinded me and noticed we wern't in San Diego anymore. I looked at my phone and noticed the time was 6:26 AM. I had about 30 missed calls, texts, from Katt and the guys. Shit. I quickly dialed Katt's number and shortly after 5 seconds she picked up. 

"Camila! Where the hell are you?!" She screamed over the phone. 

"I'm fine Katt, where are you? I'm not in San Diego anymore and I'm freaking out over here!" I started walking towards a group of volunteers setting up the stages. 

"Well of course you're not in SD anymore dumb dumb! After last night, you disappeared on me and I've been calling you ever since! I'm back at the appartment. Are you sure you're okkay?" She said. 

"Hey excuse me, can you tell me where we are?" I shouted to a guy who was setting some tents up. 

"Ahh Ventura?" He replied confused. "Can I help you with something?" 

"Yea! I need to know where the PTV bus is at." 

"You're not one of those crazy fans that stalk bands and get into their busses, are you?" He eyed me suspiciously. 

"Does it look like I'm a crazy fan? Cause honestly if I was, I wouldn't be wearing this or have smeared makeup on." I gave him the death glare. Not only do I not remembered what happened last night, but I looked like total shit. This guy was about to have a foot shoved up his ass if he didn't tell me where the damn bus was.

"Good point. Well it's right around the corner." He pointed towards the back.

"Thanks." I sprinted of towards the bus. I realized I still had Katt on the line. "Hey sorry, I'm freaking lost." 

"Well damn Cam, I gotta go to work soon and you still haven't told me where you went last night!" She exclaimed. 

"I was with Austin!" I whispered into the phone as I glaced around me. 

"No shit! Austin, as in Austin Carlile?!" 

"Yes him! I woke up next to him and was not in my clothes!" 

"YOU WERE NAKED?!" She shouted over the phone. 

"NO! I ment to say like I was in different clothes." 

"Well damn Cam! Didn't know you had it in you!" She said laughing. 

"Can we please be serious about this Katt?! I don't even know if we.. ya know.." I whispered once again. 

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