Give Me Love

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Austin's P.O.V: 

I couldn't stop thinking about her. This morning, I woke up without her in my arms like it's suppose to be. She had left and I was left alone. I noticed she had left her dress behind in the back lounge. But why would she leave it? Maybe she forgot it? Either way, I was determined to give it back to her. I saw her earlier walking towards the main stage. I tried calling out for her, but I was stopped by some fans who wanted to take pictures and sign some stuff. I was about to apologize to my fans as I had to leave, but as I looked up, I saw that she was gone. Maybe she didn't hear me. I tried looking for her all day, but I guess she was at her bus with the guys. The guys and I were getting ready to go chill, eat, and drink with all our friends on warped tour at the barbeque after party tonight. Maybe she would be there. 

"Why so serious?" Said Alan as he reached over his bunk to get his shirt. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused at his statement. 

"Well you've been really quiet since our set ended." He said. "Don't tell me it's about a girl, cause I will kick some booty for my man!" 

"Shut up." I laughed as I punched him in the shoulder. 

"Sooo, who is she?" Smirked Alan. I silently stared down and smiled as I was putting on my shoes. "No..." Laughed Alan. "No way, dude! It's that chick, Cam, huh?!" 

"Drop it Alan.." I laughed as I stood to walk towards the back lounge. 

"Holy shit dude, don't tell me it was her who was in your bunk last night?!" 

"Alan..." I walked towards the front lounge trying to avoid the conversation. But I guess it was not going to happen cause Alan was right behind me, following me in the front. 

"Ooohhhhhh!" He shouted. "That's my boyyyyyyyy!" He jumped on to my back and pushed me.

"Alan shut up!" I shouted back as I grabbed my stuff to leave. At this time, the other guys were already out there at the party. "Nothing happened..." I muttered. 

"Pshh, yea right!" He smirked. We left the bus and walked down to the place. "I saw clothes on the floor, so you don't fool me, Carlile!" 

"No, really. I gave her my clothes and she passed out when I tried to confess my feelings towards her." I spoke real low. 

"Ouch." He replied. "Well sucks for you! I would of been like, 'Aye yo! Wake up sleeping beauty! I'm trying to confess my cat love towards you and you dead!' Cause you know, she's asleep and stuff?" 

I laughed as I shook my head at him. We reached the party and saw that everyone was out here. Alan took a red cup to pour in some beer from the keg and handed to me, doing the same for himself. 

"Mhmmm...I smell chicken." He said as he walked over to the grill to make himself a plate of all the food there was. As I stood, I looked into the crowd trying to find my red head babe. There she was, standing alone. I made my way towards her as we made eye contact with each other. She seemed nervous, taking a deep breathe, trying to calm down. She was simply adorable. I smiled as I stopped and stood in front of her. 

"Hi." She said in a low voice. 

"Hi." I replied back. Hi? Really, dude? Could you not be so dumb? I was starting to get nervous myself. 

"So.." We both said at the same time time. She giggled as I smiled and looked away trying to hide the redness on my cheeks. 

"You go first." I said as I smiled at her. 

"Mhm, wanna go roast some marshmallows?" She said as she directed her head towards the bonfire. 

"Sounds good." I replied with a smile. We walked down to where the fire was and sat down on some logs laying out there. She approached me with a stick, inserting the marshmallow on it and on her's. She sat down next to me and extended her arm out, having the stick in her hand, towards the fire. Cam was awfully quiet, like she had alot on her mind.  

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