Tangled in the Great Escape

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Katt's P.O.V: 

"Oh my god, no! Don't mention that! That day was horrible!" I laughed as I poured some beer into my red cup. The boys and I laughed about the ridiculous times we had when we were teens. I turned my head to the side as I drinked what was in my red cup and saw a familiar red head in the crowd. That girl loved doing what she does. Her back was facing me and I took that as an opportunity to go scare her. I put my cup down and started walking till I was stopped by another group of boys that gathered up in the tent. 

"Hey Phil and Tino, what's up homies?!" Screamed out Mike from the back. He quickly jumped in the front to hug and shake both of the guys' hands. 

"Yoooooo bro what's good!!" Screamed out Tino. 

"What up ese?!" Shouted Phil. 

"Aye yo guys come, come. I've got the good shit back here!" Laughed Mike. "Oh guys, sorry, this is my good friend Katt. Hey Katt, This is Phil and Tino! They are fro-" I interrupted Mike. 

"I know who they are!" I pushed Mike out of the way and extended my hand. "It's so good to finally meet you guys, big fan!" I said as I shook Phil's and Tino's hand. 

"Well meowww, who are you, may I ask?" Said the ginger behind them. 

"Katt." I smirked extending my hand. He pushed my hand out of the way and got closer to me. 

"Oh me like Katts!" He responded. " I'm Alan and I don't shake hands, I'm a hugger!" He pulled me into his arms and hugged me quick. He released and turned to his side. "This is Aaron, by the way." He said as he was getting Aaron's attention. "Hey Aaron, meet Katt!" 

"So nice to meet you Mr. Aaron Pauley!" I said cheerfully. 

"Nice to meet you too!" He replied. "But no Mr., It makes me sound old." He chuckled. Suddenly, a very tall guy covered in tattoos, appeared right before my eyes. Freaking Austin Carlile. I nearly wanted to pass out when I saw that man. He was even more gorgeous and extremely tall in person! He walked over to where Alan, Aaron, and I where standing. 

"Hey, what's up! I'm Austin." He said as he extended his hand towards me. 

"Oh my god, hi!" I said excitedly. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" Great. I probably sound like such a creepy fan girl about now.

"Well, it's nice to meet you too!" He said laughing. After exchanging some words with Alan, he went to the back of the tent to greet the boys. I looked back into the crowd to still see Camila standing taking pictures. I excused myself from the boys and started to walk towards her. Halfway there I see a tall guy hovering over Cam. I started walking slow as I squinted my eyes to take a better view on who it might be. Oh shit that can't be him, I thought to myself. How the hell did he know Cam was here? I started powerwalking towards her till I saw him pull Camila's arm forcing her to go with him. A bitch had to run. 

"HEY!" I screamed out to Tevor. "DOUCHEBAG I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He quickly picked Camila off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder, walking away fast. At this point I started to panic. 

"Katt go get help!" Screamed out Camila. I quickly turned around and ran towards the tent. I saw Austin as I was running towards the tent and he quickly stopped me. 

"Woah! Slow down or you'll hurt yourself!" He chuckled. I was trying to ctach my breath from the running. 

"I..need..helppp!" I said as I was trying to get the words out. 

"Are you okkay?!" Austin asked concerned. 

"Yea.. I am, but my friend, she's...shes's been kidnapped?" I said. 

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