Two Is Better Than One

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WARNING: Chapter contains some sexual content.

Camila's P.O.V: 

I could hear the rain drops hitting against the bus as it was moving. I slowly reached for my phone to see it was barely 5:25 AM. I quietly got out of my bunk and walked out to the front lounge, trying not to wake up the boys. I started making a new pot of coffee as I opened my laptop to work on the prints on my camera. I poured some fresh coffee into my cup as it was done brewing and sat down at the little table next to the window.

After half an hour has passed, I closed the laptop and decided to open the shades a bit to glance out the window. The sunrise was coming out, but it was still gloomy outside. Days like this made me think of the past, back when Vic and I were together. Everything used to be so different.


"Hurry Cam or you're gonna get wet!" Vic screamed laughing as he raced out the car and jumped on to the porch of of his grandparent's lake house. We had all, including the guys, decided to gather up and spend the weekend here to work on a new album, but of course, the guys bailed last minute due to free football game tickets. My guess, they would be joining us later, I hope. Vic and I have never spent an entire day with each other alone. Normally if we hung out, the rest of the boys would be around, but not this time. I was extremely nervous. It had started to rain and I was stuck in the car. I could see  Vic laughing so hard from the door. 

'You suck!!" I screamed from inside the car. I quickly grabbed my bag and threw my hood over my head. Screw it! I opened the door and took a sprint towards the porch. "Ahhhhhhh! Oh my god!!" I screamed as I nearly tackled Vic down. 

"About time!" Laughed Vic as he searched for the keys. 

"Shut up! At least you're not wet, you douche!" I playfully punch his shoulder. It was the middle of November and the weather was pretty bipolar. Sometimes it was cold, sometimes it was warm and sunny. Today happened to be chilly so I had every right to be mad. He laughed as he shook his head and opened the door. We quickly took off our muddy shoes and set them outside as we entered the house. "Woah." I was shocked at how beautiful and big this house was. "Are you sure we are at the right place?" I questioned Vic. He chuckled and shook his head. 

"Yesssss Cam, we are." He walked over to the fireplace to get it started. "Your bedroom is upstairs, down the hall, to the right, so you can change clothes before you get sick." At this time, I was really cold and shaking. I made my way to the bedroom with my bags and changed quick. I changed into my beige oversized cardigan with a blank tank top under it and into some black leggings followed by my warm brown boots. I dried parts of my wet hair with a towel as I walked downstairs and out into the living room again.

Vic had already started the fire and was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace looking at his phone. I glanced over to the kitchen and noticed there was a jar of marshmallows and cocoa. 

"Ooooh. Mind if I make some?" I said as I held up the jars. Vic turned to what I was holding and smiled. 

"Go ahead." His eyes returning back to the screen of his phone.  As I finished making the cups of hot cocoa, I made my way to the couch. I sat down, handed Vic his cup, and watched as he took it, placing it on the little coffee table on the side of the couch, still glancing at his phone. 

"God, what's with you and that damn phone?" I asked curiously. 

"Hold on, Jaime is telling me the score.." He whispered as he still focused on the screen. 

"Well you should of gone!" I got up and started to walk upstairs. 

"Woah Cam, why so serious? I just wanted an update of the game." He shouted out, as he stood up, and watched me stopped half way up the stairs. 

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