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Camila's P.O.V: 

As we started walking out of the bus, Jaime started to make phone calls to everyone he knew about the get together tonight. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I remembered the awkward situation I was in this morning with Vic. I should be happy for him, but somehow I wasn't. I was jealous. Furious. Insane? Well maybe a little. I mean, yea sure I left and got engaged to a complete lunatic who was a cheater and who wanted to kidnaped me. But deep down inside I kinda still have feelings for Vic? He was my first.. What am I saying?! I need to cut this shit out. Let him be happy. God damn it, Camila! Get your shit together! 

"So what do you plan on wearing?" Katt said as she interrupted me from my thoughts. I looked at her confused as I was trying to recap what she had said to me. We reached to the ptv bus and opened the door. "Well?" She asked as we walked in the front lounge greeted by the boys and of course, Vic and his girlfriend, who I must say, was sitting on his lap, laughing and giggling. Yup, there goes my jealousy.

"Something sexy." I whispered to myself, as I walked past the guys and Vic quick, not making eye contact. I made my way to the bunk area followed by Katt, grabbing my suitcase and dragging it into the back lounge. "Shut the door Katt. Okkay what do you think? Simple black mini sexy lace dress or leopard print highwaisted black lace mini skirt?" 

"Well look at you trying to be all sexy tonight!" Smirked Katt as she sat down looking at the choices. "Well I would recommend the simple black one, but you kinda have a large bruise on the side of the hip, which by the way still looks painful, and yet, you look like nothing happened to you today, which I am still conused?" I sighed at her because she will not leave the subject of my bruised hip alone. "Anyway, let's get back to the point, it will get noticed cause of how see through the lace is. So, let's go with choice two!" I quickly smiled at her. 

"I was thinking the same thing" I said. "Here, you can put it on! Who knows, might get ya lucky tonight!" I winked at her as she threw a shirt at me laughing. 

"Let's hope we both get lucky!" Shouted Katt as she put some music on. Suddenly, the door swung open and in came Mike, Tony, and Jaime. 

"Cam, are you okkay?" Asked Tony. 

"Yea what happened? We were worried about you!" Said Mike. 

"Guys, I'm okkay, there's no need for you all to worry." I said trying to get them all to shut up. "Listen guys, tonight, I just wanna forget about everything that happened today. Forget what has happened in last year and so. I...I just wanna be okkay and have a good time." 

"Woah, so deep cuz." Jaime exaggerated as he stood up and walked over to me. "I love you, and I'm glad you are okkay." He said as he came in for a big bear hug. 

"Hey I wanna give her my love too!" Whined Tony. Jaime released me from his hug and I made my way on to Tony's lap. 

"Not if I give you all my love first Tone-Tones!" I exclaimed as I tangled my arms around his neck. 

"Awh, that's not fair!" Mike screamed as he pouted. I grabbed his hand and interlaced my fingers with his and smiled. 

"Guys, seriously, I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing friends." I said as I smiled at them. I couldn't help but to notice Vic not being in here with the rest of the boys. Was he really over me? Cause it sure as hell seems like it, like he doesn't care at all. 

"Enough of all this mushy shit! Let's party bitches!!" Yelled Katt as the boys yelled back. I was determined to have a great night. 

As the night had fallen into place, the boys gathered up in the front lounge, while Katt and I were in the back finishing on getting ready to go. I decided to go with the outfit Katt had picked up earlier with my black studded combat boots. I did a sexy smokey eye look and some loose wavy curls to my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with the finishing results. Katt finished and turned to look at me and dropped her jaw. 

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