Wild Wild Love

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Austin's P.O.V: 

I saw her from across the room all alone. She looked so damn beautiful. I just had to go up to her.

"Hey Alan, hold this." I said as I handed him my beer. I gotta have a reason to walk up to the bar, right?

"Just to let you know, It's gonna be gone by the time you get back." Laughed Alan. "Oh hey look! There's that cute girl Katt, I'm gonna go dance with her!" Shouted Alan as he walked off.

"Yea, huh? Whatever. I'll see ya later." I said as I had no clue what Alan had just said to me. The music was super loud to even understand what one is saying to another. Nothing mattered but her at that point.

*20 Minutes Later*

I made our way to the center to notice Katt dancing on Alan and to see him enjoy it. They laughed as they saw us dancing towards them. Music was blasting through the speakers and everyone was having a great time. Camila seem to be happy, and free. I wouldn't blame her, After what happened today I wouldn't even be in the mood for all this. She's something.

Taking shot after shot and dancing to random shit, everyone was all plastered. Cam on the other side, wasn't in her five senses. She started getting up on the bar screaming something about giving away free shots to everyone. 

"Tone-Tones!" She screamed out as Tony set her down on solid ground. 

"Hand me two bottles of Jack Daniels!" He shouted at the bartender. He quickly handed them to him while he was attending other people's orders. "YASSSSSS!!" He screamed out as he held the bottles up. 

"Dude, you all should slow down now, we got shows tomorrow." I tried convincing him. 

"Yea, yea, bro. Don't worry, I got this!!" He replied back. I couldn't help but to bust out laughing at all the guys. 

"Holy crap, everyone is so wasted!" I screamed over at Aaron who was trying to keep the guys out of trouble. I kept laughing as Katt applied some black whiskers on Alan's face with her eyeliner. I felt someone wrapped their arms around my waist and leaned on my back. I turned to see a very drunk Camila. "Are you okkay?" I whispered in her ear.

"Do you wanna get out of here? I'm feeling drowsy and sick." She said as she leaned back and held her hand up on her forehead tryinmg hard not to fall. 

"Ah yea, sure." I smiled as I took one last sip of my beer. As we were exiting the club, we ran into Mike and Tino. "Hey guys, we are going back to bus. Drunkie here isn't feeling too well." I said as I smiled down at Cam. She smacked my arm and rolled her eyes. 

"I'm not a drunkie, you are! Shots for everyone!" She burst out laughing and nearly fell to the ground. The guys helped me grab her just in time as she almost fell to the ground.  

"Woah, okkay! Looks like you've had enough, Cam." I said as I picked her up. 

"Alright, we'll catch up with you guys later." Smirked Tino. 

"Better watch it, Carlile. She's like my sister." Laughed Mike. 

"Haha you guys. Don't drink too much now." I said as I walked out with Camila. There was already a taxi outside waiting for people to get in. I opened the door to let Camila go in first and followed her in after. I told the diver the directions and sat back to look down at Camila who had placed her head on my shoulder and stared out the window. The car ride was silent, you could hear nothing but the motor running and the driver changing stations on the radio every five minutes.

After what felt forever we arrived at our destination. I paid the cab driver and helped Camila out. She was not able to stand on her own, so I picked her up and flung her over my shoulder. She was full of laughter tonight. 

"Yayyyyy!! This is fun! This is a fun night! Don't you think this is a fun night? Cause I do think it's a fun night! You are like the green giant! Except I hate veggies! Well some. But I like the green giant! GREEEEEN GIAAANTTT!" She squealed of laughter. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit at her comment. 

I opened the door to the bus, went in, passed the front lounge, and the bunk area till I hit the back lounge door. I punched in the buttons to gain access and open the door fast. I could hear Camila blabbering about nonsense stuff as I layed her down on the couch. I walked to the bunk area and pulled out a loose shirt, a pair of sweatpants, some shorts and walked towards the back lounge again.

"Do you wanna wear sweatpants or shorts?" I asked her.

"Sweatpants!" She yelled out. 

"Okkay, sweatpants it is." I said as I smiled at her. "Um... I'll let you get dressed, I'll be in the bunk area getting dressed as well. " 

"Okkay..." She whispered. 

I stepped in the bunk area as she stood up to close the door. I changed into my basketball shorts and noticed that Camila had left the door a bit open. I watched as she was slowly getting undressed. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and turned sideways as she was getting the sweatpants on. I noticed her bruised waist as she pulled the shirt down. How could that idiot do that to her? It sickened me to see that there are people like him out there. I was in my own world to not notice that Camila had seen me and walked over to the semi-open door.

"My head is spinning." Said Camila. I got out of my thoughts and turned to her staring at me. I looked down and noticed I didn't put on a shirt yet. I smirked as I reached over a top bunk to pull out some ibuprofen. "Um, well here, take these pills. You can lay in my bunk tonight and I'll take the couch." I started making my way to the front lounge.

"Austin?" I stopped and turned around. "Can you stay with me?" She asked as she stared at the bunk. "I really don't wanna be be alone right now." 

"Yea, yea, no problem." I said as I lead her in the bunk first. We both layed in there without saying a single word. "Cam, are you okkay?" I whispered. 

"No." She responded. I turned to my side to see her tear apart. "He was my fiance." she manage to choke out with tears. "He was having an affair with someone who happened to be a friend of mine and my bridesmaid. I found out a week before the wedding date! I had everything all set, wedding invites where all sent, catering was paid, I...I just don't understand...everything was ready, I was ready..." She weeped. My heart was breaking for her. 

"Hey, hey, listen. You are a much better off without him. You got a bright future ahead of you, Cam. Don't let some asshole, who doesn't deserve your tears, break you. You're not alone, you're with me, okkay?" I wiped her remaining tears. She smiled and buried her face onto my chest. 

"Austin?" She whispered. 

"Yea?" I replied back as I looked down at her. 

"Thank you." She whispered back as she closed her eyes. I turned on my back and faced the top of my bunk.

"Cam, I don't know how to say this, but..." I let out a big sigh. "I like you. Since the first moment I saw you, I don't know, It's like something I've never felt before. Honestly, I thought I would never see you again, but I'm glad I did." There was a silence. "Could you maybe say something? I'm kinda nervous here-" I turned to face her and she still had her eyes closed. "Cam?"

She had already fallen into a deep sleep. I removed some loose hair from her face and kissed her forehead softly. 

"You're welcome." I whispered as I turned to face the top of the bunk. You're welcome. 

 Well, here ya go, let me know what ya think! Sorry if it's short! :c Comment, Vote, etc. :) xoxo-J

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