Chasing Hearts

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Camila's P.O.V: 

"Wakey! Wakey!" Shouted Katt as she entered my room, turning the lights in that dark room on. Today was the day. In a few hours I would be at warped doing what I love and did best. I groaned as I turned to my side looking at my alarm clock. 4 AM

"Ughh are you kidding me Katt?! It's freaking 4 in the morning! I wasn't suppose to get up till 5! Jeezz." I quickly grabbed the blanket and threw it over my head. "One more hourrr!" 

"Nope, get up! I didn't get to sleep all night cause of how excited I am to go. So get your butt up, get dressed, and come join me in the kitchen cause I'm making breakfest!" She quickly pulled the blanket off me. "I've made some bacon too, so come on!" She laughed as she walked out the room. "Don't make me go back in there!" She shouted from the other room.

"Greatttt." I pulled the pillow over my head and groaned loudly. After 2 minutes I finally got up and walked into my bathroom, looking at the mess I am in front of the mirror. I ran the water on for my shower as I quickly got in. "This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love, like a boy needs his mother's sideee.." I sang along to the most repeated song that Katt ever played from her room. It is actually one of my favorite songs she has on her playlist. Apparently, the group's name is Of Mice & Men. Some of their other songs are amazing too, but never had a chance to google them up, or even know who they are. But it didn't seem to get my attention at all. I quickly got out of the shower and went into my closet to change. I put on a tie dye shirt, a pair of jean shorts, and my red vans on. I went back into my bathroom and applied some basic make-up. Finally after putting some mousse in my hair and putting my hooped nose ring on, I was happy with the final results. Grabbed my phone and walked out into the kitchen. "Mhmmm smells good in here!" I said hungrily pouring myself a cup of coffee. 

"About time you came out!" Katt shouted. Katt has been my bestfriend since highschool my freshmen year. We had all classes together, and I mean all. We just became instant friends since day one. "Was I listening to you sing Second & Sebring ehh?" She raised her eyebrow at me smirking. 

"Yea, cause you play it 100 times every damn day!" I laughed at her. 

"You do know they'll be on warped tour right? Main stage from what I know." She replied. 

"Yea I heard! Some other bands too like Sleeping with Sirens, Falling In Reverse, and other bands too. Hopefully I get to meet the famous Of Mice & Men. Ohh and Jaime and his band will be there too." Laughing, I winked at her and moved towards the cabinets to pull out a plate. Katt has always had a crush on my cousin Jaime, from Pierce the Veil ever since we became friends. She was just too shy to even tell him. They tried going out at some point in their life but it was just too awkward. So they just ended up being friends which was ok I guess. I make myself a sandwich out of bacon, egg, and cheese and walked over to the sofa to turn on the tv and open up my laptop. I've got everything packed and ready to go. I glanced at my phone and it was only 5:30 AM in the morning. In about 30 minutes we would leave and head out to the venue. I had to get there early to get my schedule and put away my stuff in a band's bus. 

 "Are you ready to go?" Katt shouted from the bathroom. Closing my laptop, I looked at the time on my phone that read 6:00 AM. It was time to go and I was freaking excited. Katt and I quickly got out of the apartment and closed everything up. Walking and rolling my suitcase to Katt's car, I heard my phone buzz from my bag. I took it out and frowned at the caller ID. 

"Ugh, Trevor." I cursed to myself. Trevor had been my boyfriend and fiance for the past two years. I broke up my engagement with him because I found out he had been unfaithful in the past year. Clearly, he could not take a hint. It's been a month now since I haven't spoken to him. It was time to finally get things straight with him. Answering, "Look Trev, I've said it so many times, I don't want to speak to you! Do you not get it?! You hurt me, and threw our future together away. I can't do this anymore.."

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