I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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Vic's P.O.V

"Camila?" I smiled as I stepped up from the door, closing it behind me. God, it's been about what? Three years since I last seen her. She looked so different, in a good way obviously. Last time I've seen her she had dark brown hair with blonde highlights at the bottom. Now she's a bit tan and a red head. She was simply more beautiful than I remembered. I put down the bags from the store on the counter and turned to face her giving her a big hug. "God, I missed you." I said softly and low enough for her to hear. 

"I missed you too." She whispered back. We quickly released each other after Katt quietly coughed. 

"Ahh Katt! You haven't changed much, I see." I said laughing at her. She quickly play punched me on my shoulder sticking her tongue out. 

"And you're the same old douche I know!" She said giggling. 

"Ouch, that hurts my feelings kitty cat!" I said joking. Katt hissed at me and started walking towards the fridge to get some drinks. I turned around towards Camila, "So, to what do I owe the honor of your presence, Cam?" I asked getting all of the boy's attention. 

"Well I was choosen to come here and take pictures of the bands, their sets, and of course, hanging out with fans like at signings and stuff." She explained.

"But you have a suitcase," Jaime said confused. "Do you really need that much of stuff to take pictures?!" 

"Well here's the beauty," Camila tried explaining more. "I get to stay for the whole tour with you guys!" Said cheerfully. "I mean if it's fine with you guys.." 

"Of course it's fine, it's pretty awsome!" I shouted, turning red as she looked at me and smiled. "Right guys?" Coughing, trying to brush the look off my face. 

"Yea!" They all shouted cheerfully as Tony and Jaime tried to tackle each other. I saw Camila pulling out her camera to take some quick shots of them. I love seeing her do what she always loved doing since we were teens. She never gave up on her dream even after we both called off our relationship back then. I was a Senior and she was a freshman when we meet. Of course her cousin, Jaime, introduced us both when he brought her along to one of our afternoon practices. You chould say that for me, it was love at first sight the moment I laid my eyes on her.

"Well let's celebrate tonight fuckers!" Katt shouted while standing up as the rest of the guys cheered. "Cam, is it cool if I go out and walk around to meet some bands?"  

"Yea, no problem! I'm actually gonna change into new clothes and get my stuff settled in." Camila replied. 

"Wait, I'll join you Katt!" Yelled Tony from the bunk area. 

"Hold on, I'm tagging along too!" Screamed Mike. 

"Wait, what about me?!" Jaime pouted. 

"Come on, you big baby!" Laughed Katt as she walked towards the door. 

"Vic, you coming?" Said Jaime being the last one to leave. I turned to look at Camila and smiled at her.

"No, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna show Cam the rest of the bus and where she's gonna sleep." I said. With that, Jaime rushed out the door slamming it behind him. I got up from my seat and walked towards the bunk area having Camila to follow me. "Well here is where we all sleep Cam and as you can see we have four empty bunks. You can choose either one and have another to put your suitecase and other stuff in." I pointed out where the bathroom and shower was, then I opened the door to the back lounge and stepped in with her following behind me. I sat down on the couch and smiled back at her. "Last but not least, this is the back lounge. We come here to play video games or just have some quiet or alone time with ourselves."

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