Goodbye - Chapter 12

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I woke up and felt like the happiest person in the world. Jake had his arms wrapped around me, sleeping. I stare at his bare chest and trace his stomach muscles with my index finger. He is so perfect. He opens one eye and looks at me.

"Good morning beautiful," He says, just him talking makes butterflies fly around in my stomach.

"Hey," I say, looking lovingly into his eyes, I place my hand on his cheek and let the memories from last night, flood my mind.

"You know, you are so gorgeous Jake?"

He chuckles, "Look who's talking," I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. I give him a kiss and then pull back and cuddle into his chest, it's a good thing we put our clothes back on because, like every morning dad peeks his head through the door and says good morning.

He still doesn't know about last night.

"What about last night Renesmee?" My dad appears in the room again,

"Oh, Jake and I just watched T.V until like, 1 o'clock in the morning, sorry,"

He chuckles "Well, don't let it happen again," He adds.

"I'll try, I can't promise anything though," He laughs and walks out of my room. I look at Jake and we both laugh.

"I'll try, nice one,"

"Yeah I know," I kiss him on the cheek and get out of bed.

"Do you reckon they'll have breakfast ready?" I say pulling a brush through my knotted 'sex' hair.

"How would I know? Can't you smell it or something?" I look at him and laugh.

"Ohhh Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, what is wrong with you," I laugh.

"What's wrong with me! You're a vampire, aren't you supposed to be good and smelling things?" I laugh and reply

"Well you're a dog, isn't that supposed to make you good at smelling things!" He comes over to me

"Well played," Jake goes down stairs for breakfast and I have a shower.

When I go downstairs to have my breakfast, Jake announces he is going home for the day to check on the pack and to get some more clothes.

"Well I'll see you..." I pause so he can finish my sentence;


What time is it now? Oh great 10. I sigh,

"7 hours without you," I put on my best upset look,

"Work on the acting sweetheart, and I know, I'll miss you too! I'll try to be as quick as I can. The pack will probably want me to hang around for a bit so I'm sorry if I don't make it back until you're in bed but I will try my best to get back by 6,"

6? He said 5 before! "But you said 5 before! I don't want you to go," I say when I lean my face into his chest and give him a hug, he hugs me back.

"Yeah but I forgot the pack will probably want to hang out and go out. And Sam might make me patrol, you're lucky he hasn't made me come back every night, but I promise I will ring you when I'm coming home," He looks at Dad and then adds "If it's not to late," Dad nods at him.

My face is still buried in his shirt, one of the buttons sticking into my cheek.

"Nessie I"m sorry but I have to go,"

I sigh

"I know but I still don't want you to!" He pats my back to comfort me and starts to speak

"Don't worry Ness, you won't even notice I'm gone,"

"Doubt it," I mumble. Jake starts to laugh, I look up at him, straining my neck,

"Aw Ness," He chuckles, his thumb sweeping hunder my eye, "It's okay,"

Oh my god! I've started crying! I sniff,

"I love you," I say,

"I love you more than you can imagine," He gives me a brief kiss, "Alright well I've gotta go, I'll be back soon, 'kay?" I nod and give him a hug, then let go and walk to the door with him. He walks down the steps to his motorbike which he kept here and he climbs on,

"See you later,!" I say and he chuckles and looks down at the kick-start

"Love you Ness," He blows me a kiss and takes off. Well, at least I've stopped crying.

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