Ultrasound - Chapter 20

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'Hey guys" Jake's voice booms through the house and 'pa and Aunt Alice come down to join us.

"I saw that we are going shopping today?" She says with a smile spreading from ear to ear.

"After her ultrasound," 'pa says placing a hand on my Aunties shoulder. She nods and walks into the lounge room to where Jasper is sitting.

"Come upstairs with me and we can get started straight away," He gestures upstairs and we nod. I grab Jake's hand and start walking.

Once we're upstairs, 'pa makes me lie down on a table.

"I'm just going to spread this gel over your stomach, sorry if it's a bit cold," Jake kneels down next to me and presses his forehead against my temple. Suddenly mom, dad and nanna come through the door,

"Couldn't miss my grand daughter's first ultrasound," Nan says coming over and placing a hand on Jake and I's shoulders. Jake shudders slightly with the cold and everyone else smirks. Mom and dad come over and kiss my forehead, and just say hi to Jake. Something tells me dad isn't that happy with him.

Carlisle presses a hand held device to my stomach and searches for the baby. We soon find it's shape. I can't see anything very clearly so I can't tell, but luckily Carlisle can. My heart is beating a million miles an hour, looking at Jake and I's baby.

"I'm pleased to say, it's a girl," Tears well up in my eyes and Jake presses his lips against my temple and chuckles.

"We're having a little girl," I look at Jake and he is slightly crying too. I can't speak. Mom's hand is on my other shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you Ness," Mom says. I still can't speak. I'm having a baby girl. A little girl, who will call me mom and call the person I love most in the world dad. I can't speak so I just laugh. Jake joins in and I look to 'pa. He is smiling at me. I find my words.

"Thank you," I say barely audible and terribly shaky

"You're most welcome Ness. You can wipe the gel off and then go put Alice out of her misery," I laugh and Jake stands up. I walk into the closest

"Oh and Carlisle, when do you think she will deliver?" Jake asks as I'm wiping the gel off my stomach. 'pa was right. It was cold.

"I'd say in maybe 2 months? She grows faster than a normal baby, but not like Renesmee did. She is about the equivalent of 3 and half to 4 months pregnant," I smile and rest my hand on my tummy,

"I get to meet you in 2 months baby girl," I say as tears spill over my eyes.

"Ready?" Jake asks. I nod and throw the towel in the corner of the room. Alice shoots up and greets us.

"So it's a beautiful girl?" She asks with a smile. Great, another one in this family for her to makeover. Jake and I nod.

"Great! I'm so happy! More makeovers," She giggles and jumps in excitement. Jake groans and I rest my hand on the small of his back.

"Come on, we'll deal with it when it happens," I push him out the door and walk down the stairs.

"Which car?" I ask Alice,

"Mine?" She squawks and Jake nods. He loves her car, who am I kidding, he loves every car. "Okay, let's go then,"

We walk into the garage after saying goodbye to everyone.

"Where are we going?" Alice chimes. Jake shrugs and I scoff,

"You really don't want to be here do you?" I say looking over to him. He shakes his head, like he is embarrassed to say so. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'll tell you what, you don't have to come. You can stay here or go and hang out with the pack while I'm gone. No longer," He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks Ness," He says as he walks back into the house.

"Oh and Jake, no more houses this time," I hear Alice giggle but I keep looking at Jake.

"I promise. Love you," He replies. Whenever he says that, my stomach gets butterflies.

"I love you too Jake. See you soon," I say getting in the car.

"So, where to?" Alice asks backing out of the garage. I think about it for a while and Alice gets impatient,

"Right, let's go to the city," I look at her wide eyed and shake my head.

"I'm 17, and I look 4 months pregnant, can't we go somewhere a little less crowded?" She sighs,

"Whatever, we'll go to the local place, if that makes you happy," I laugh as she gets onto the highway and steps onto the gas pedal.


A/N: Let me know what you think! I didn't realise how short my chapters were, let me know if you want them a bit longer. Thanks guys. And one last thing, Sunny is still here, she just doesn't say much, but she will soon, don't worry. 

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