Dark Beauty - Chapter 23

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I wake up feeling fairly dazed and still tired. I go to sit up, and this time, my stomach doesn't burn. My stomach! I look down, and it has nearly returned to it's normal size, gee, how long have I been out for? My dad walks in with my mom smiling,

"At least 24 hours - maybe 30?,"

I scoff, "Longest sleep in my life," My mom and dad chuckle and come and give me a big hug. I hug them back, but my ribs complain, "Ow, my ribs," I say letting them go and putting my arms down back at my sides. My mind races and my daughter enters my mind. She's lived the first 24 hours of her life not knowing her mom.

"Wher's Jake? Where is she? I want to meet her," I hear the door open and Jake walks through, holding our little baby girl. I make a choking sound and my hand flies to my mouth. She has beautiful dark hair, from Jake. She has a mix of Jake and I's skin colour, a nice tan colour and the biggest brown eyes, I've ever seen on a baby and the most beautiful face. She is the perfect baby, my perfect baby.

"Hey Nessie," Jake says, flashing a breathtakingly beautiful smile.

"Hey Jake," I say laughing. My ribs hurt like hell, but I don't care. Nothing could ruin this moment of meeting my baby girl. Jake brings her over and places her in my arms ever so gently. "She is so beautiful," I say tears spilling out of my eyes and choking on something in my throat, "She is the most beautiful, perfect baby on this planet. I love you so much baby girl," I say starting to sob.

Jake comes over and sits, with his arm wrapped tightly over my shoulders.

"What should we name her, everyone was telling me to do it while you were sleeping, but I wanted to name her with you," I look up at him lovingly and kiss him.

"Do you have any names you like?"

He thinks, staring off into space, "There is one," I look at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't,

"Well?" I say laughing, "What is it,"

"Layla. It means dark beauty," I think about this name, I'm sure the dark isn't literal but it fits her, dark hair and the most beautiful girl ever.

"I love it," I look at her and she looks back up to me, "Layla Black," I sigh barely audible for anyone.

"Hey Layla," I coo and Jake chuckles.

"She looks like you," I say to Jake and he shakes his head,

"I reckon she looks like you,"

I look up to him and give him the 'are-you-kidding-me' look,

"I don't have black hair, I don't have tan skin, but I do have brown eyes, but we both do," He nods,

"I'd rather she look like you,"

I take my hand out from underneath Layla and slap his shoulder playfully.

I get up off the bed cradling my beautiful new baby carefully in my arms.

"What are we going to do about furniture? We don't even have a crib for her yet Jake?" He stands up and walks towards the door.

"We'll have to go get one then, show off our new baby,' We both laugh and Layla just looks at us inquisitively.

"Your daddy's so funny," I say to her still laughing.

"We'll go when you have rested," He says walking through the door. I run after Jake,

"No! I've rested for 24 hours, I don't want to sleep anymore,"

He turns around with a smile no his face.

"Okay, we will go tomorrow then,"

I give him a pissed off look and then a pleading one,

"Oh don't be like that," He says patting my head.

"Well, I'm not sleeping!" He shakes his head,

"I never said you had to, I just said rest," I laugh.

"I'll go talk to Carlisle. Have the rest of the family seen her?"

He nods and I sigh, "But they don't know her name," I point out.

My face lights up and I fly down stairs. I'm greeted with every gushing and congratulating me,

"So what did you decide to call her?" Aunt Alice chimes, "I know, but no-one else does, not even your dad, your mom sheilded me,"

I chuckle at my families traits and shake my head. "Layla," I smile, "Layla Black,"

Esme looks like she would cry in happiness if she could cry, "Layla is a beautiful name. Can I hold her?"

I look over to her and smile, "Jake didn't let you before?"

She shakes her head and I laugh,

"Sure," I say handing her over into Esme's caring arms.

Jake walks in with that same beautiful smile, "Who do you think you are, depriving her great grandma of a hold,"

He laughs and I hug him tightly, never wanting to let go.

I sigh, "I love you," he presses his cheek against my head,

"I love you too," I say walking towards the back door,

"Where are you going?" Jake asks, following me,

"I'm going to go home and rest. You stay here and wait for them to finish fussing over Layla," I go over to my beautiful daughter and kiss her forehead and everyone hugs me. She grabs onto my hair and everyone coos and erupts in aws and ohs. I detatch her hand from me and kiss it once.

"Bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow,"

Jake walks me to the door holding my hand,

"I'll see you later tonight," I say kissing him and lingering for a moment.

"You definitely will,"

I turn and wave and walk out the door. Esme brings Layla to the glass window and they're both smiling at me. I turn around and wave and she holds her hand so Layla is 'waving' back. Jake is watching her like such a proud dad, I love them both so much. I wave once more and turn around and start running for home, something that my ribs weren't very happy about.

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