Chapter I

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Crystal's POV

I took my white sneakers, my white jacket, my walkman, my bag, and my White hat to complete my style. It was kind of my thing, white. Well, my shirt and my pants are almost always black. So that makes me look pretty bland but cool in the same time.

I've known I was a mutant since I was just 2 years old. My dad was a mutant too, he could move things with his mind. Just like my brother. But me? I was different. I had several different powers. I could run very fast, fast enough until no one could see me, they could only see a blur. I could also read minds, heal others, and manipulate elements. I think my mutation is why my hair turned white when I discovered my first power(speed).

My mother was normal. She was a normal human, and she accepted us. I loved her so much. I need her. But...


One day, we were on our way to my grandmother's house. That was when my brother fell asleep and started having seizures. Items in the car started floating and flying everywhere. My dad tried to stop the items but a pen from my dad's pocket flew to his head and stabbed him. My mother screamed at the top of her lungs. I panicked and I tried to get inside my brother's head. He was having a nightmare. And my mother's scream made it worse. I saw him reaching out and I got out of his mind to find smoke coming from the front of the car. It was about to explode. I took my mom's hand and my brother's hand. I tried to take them out of the car, but they were stuck. I ran outside the car and got ready to break the door. But the car exploded before I could break it.

*end of flashback*

The memory played in my head several times before I snapped out of it and started walking to school. I went inside and head straight to my locker. I put my bag in it and took the books I needed before heading to my class.

I hated being here. I had no friends. Maybe I should just stop going to school... But I need education to have a job someday and not just rely on whatever's left in my basement. Ugh, I wish I could just stop being lonely.

The rest of the day went by quickly. I went back to my locker, put my books back into my bag, locked the locker, then walked out. I wanted to run so badly, but I can't risk getting caught. Especially with the whole sentinels thing going on.

I walked down my street while listening to the beats from my headphones and I noticed 4 guys on my porch. One was tall with spiky-ish hair, one had long brown hair and a beard, the other one had brown hair and glasses, and the last one had silver hair and I can tell he's way younger than the rest. He has my style, but silver instead of white.

I decided to risk it and I used my power to run and check their pockets. I ran to the tall guy, and just as I was about to reach for his pocket, the silver haired boy caught my wrist. What the heck! How did he-... No one could see me when I run. Wait... He's just like me isn't he? I stopped and the world goes back to it's normal speed. The other three guys looked back and saw me. I was trapped in his hazelnut eyes. I finally snapped out of it and asked

"Who are you guys?"

The tall man opened his mouth to speak but I used my powers to move everyone inside, well... Not really...

Silver boy saw me holding the tall guy's neck(so he doesn't get whiplash) and it seemed like he read my mind. I put the tall guy inside and when I came back to the porch, there was no one left. I looked inside and saw the silver haired guy with the rest and he gave me a smirk.

As time went back to normal, I took time to read their mind and learned their names. Logan, Charles, Hank, and Peter. I stood in front of them and I crossed my arms. Logan looked around and said

"look, kid. You gotta stop doing that."

I smiled at his words

"doing what? I'm not the only one doing it."

I smirked and glanced at Peter. He smirked too and looked at the other dudes. Charles didn't seem pleased and he gave a 'seriously?' look to Peter. I chuckled.

'is she just like Peter?' Hank thought.

"Yea, I guess. But that's not all I can do, Hank." i answered his thought.

"wha-?" he seemed startled.

'truly incredible' Charles thought.

"Really, Charles?" again, I answered.

"So, what do you want from me? Why did you show up on my porch?" I asked.

"we need your help" Logan said.


I could just read their minds, but I decided to just ask and keep this interesting for me.

"breaking into a highly secured facility and get someone out" Logan said.

"hm, seems fun. But, I just don't trust you. I mean, how could I trust strange dudes that just showed up on my porch?" I said honestly.

"You can trust us. 'cause we're just like you" Peter said.

I knew what he meant. But I still don't trust the others.

"Logan" Charles said.

Then, Logan balled up his fist and 3 claws popped out. That's just gross.

"hm... Okay then. It's not like I have anything better to do anyways." i said.
I walked outside and went into their car. I sat in the back with Hank on the left side, Peter in the middle, and me on the right.

"so, what's your name?" Peter asked.

"I'm Crystal " I answered.

"did you dye your hair white?" Hank asked.

"no, it's my natural hair color." I said.

Peter looked surprised and said "no way, me too. Just, mine's silver" he chuckled and I did too.


Thanks for reading my book, everyone! I'm sorry if i made any mistakes. Please understand that i do set a few things to match the character with the storyline. This will continue to be a quicksilver x reader book. Pls comment on what you think i should do, give your character a name or just keep using '___'? BTW, I've written 2 chapters, so I'll publish the second one soon

Edit : Yea, It used to be a Quicksilver X reader book. But, we'll see what happens in the second book HEHEHEHE

Thank youuu!

~ KoohiiKori <3

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