Chapter XXVII

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Hey guys, don't worry, this is still and update. I'm just here to say thank you so much for the support and I love you all so much. I didn't think this book would be this popular. And, I'm sorry i don't ypdate as often as I used to. It's just that I'm in 9th grade(senior year of junior high in my country) and we have so many homeworks and tests going on. I'm so sorry. And I've got a storyline already so I need your votes.

Boost (make the story shorter,more to the point. This should make the book more interesting and less boring. But, also shorter at the same time)

Don't boost (Stay how it is, less to the point. This would make the book slightly less interesting. But, it won't have lots of time skips.)

Okay, here's your update!


Peter's POV

I'm going to be a dad! AND I'M Freaking 19 YEARS OLD(just pretend he is. I totally forgot to explain and keep track of the timelime. Sorry)! AMAZING. Sure, I'd love to be a dad. But, not at this age! I do love her, and I will support her through it all. But, i don't know how to support her. I mean, Financially. I never paid attention in class! Hell, I skipped them all the time!

"Peter?" Crystal said.

"Oh, yeah? Oh, right. We need to tell the professor."

"Together?" she said, extending her hand.

I hesitated for a moment before taking her hand.


We walked down the stairs and saw the professor drinking tea. We walked towards him hand in hand. I was afraid of his reaction. Will he be okay with all this?

"Oh, hello, Crystal. Hello, Peter. Can I help you?"

Just as I was about to tell him, One of the students walked by. There has been 5 students since the Professor opened the school. And, now we need a private place to talk about this.

"Yeah, we need to talk to you... Privately..." I said.

"Okay then."

We walked towards his room and closed the door. He told us to sit on the couch, so we did.

"What is it that you need to tell me?"

"Um... Um... Well, um... We, uh..."

'Well, that's a... Really big news.' He said. IN MY MIND.

"Well, yea..." Crystal said.

"Well, I'm sure Peter will support you. And you don't need to worry about money. You're like my daughter here, Crystal. And you're like my son, Peter. Wait, that sounded very wrong. Nevermind, you get the point. But, you do know that this means you'll have to get married, right?" He said.

"Y-yea, at s-some point" I stuttered.

"Are you not sure about marrying me, Pete?" She asked.

'Calm Down, Peter. You're making her misunderstand.' The professor said.

"I-it's not like that. I'd love to marry you. It's just that, we're still so young."

"it's still your child, Peter."

"I know. And I will be with you and her every step of the way."

She smiled and walked over to me. She engulfed me into a hug. I hugged her back and pulled her closer.

"I'm never letting you go."

Or at least that's what I thought.


- 5 Months Later -

"Look, you have to stop acting like you're the one carrying a child!"

"Well, I'm tired! Everyday. Every single day. You'll ask me to go buy something and then when I'm back, you 'lost your appetite'" I said, making air quotations.

"It's called Cravings, as-" she stopped herself.

"Say it. Go ahead and say it."


"I knew you wouldn't say it. You don't have the guts to."

"ASSHOLE!" she shouted.

I gotta admit it broke my heart. After all I've done for her, it's still not enough. I can't even show my emotions. I'm stressed and frustrated and I need someone to cheer me up. She used to take care of me, but, now she only thinks about herself.

"Ok then. I'm sorry, but, this has gone too far. Maybe this really isn't going to work."

"Yea, maybe it isn't."

We both stood there in silence for a while. Just staring at each other. She's changed. I missed the old her. I walk over to her and placed me hand on her stomach. She started crying and I can't bare to see her like that. I pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired." I said to her.

"I know... I'm sorry too..." she said before sobbing harder.


"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." she said

"What? Oh, right. I'll come with you."

We kept hugging and I held her tighter. After several minutes, I let her go.

"We're gonna see what gender you are, baby." she said while rubbing her stomach.





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